B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1


B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

(Practise Yourselves)

Total Marks: 100

 Time 2 Hours

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

Q. Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer out of the four choices given after each question that follows.

”White cement is the basic raw material for producing cement tiles and cement paint which are used extensively in building construction. The main consumers of white cement are, therefore, cement tile and cement paint manufacturing units. These consumers, mostly in the small scale sector, are today facing a major crisis because of a significant increase in the price of white cement during a short period. The present annual licensed production capacity of white and grey cement in the country is approximately 3.5 lakh tonnes. The average demand is 2-2.5 tonnes. This means that there is idle capacity to the tune of one lakh tonnes or more. The price rise is, therefore, not a phenomenon arising out of inadequate production capacity but evidently because of artificial scarcity created by the manufacturers in their self-interest. The main reason for the continuing spurt in cement price is its decontrol. As it is, there is stiff competition in the cement paint and tile manufacturing business. Any further price revision at this stage is bound to have a severe adverse impact on the market conditions. The Government should take adequate steps to ensure that suitable controls are brought in. Else it should allow import of cement.”

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

1. Why is the price of white cement going up ?

(a) Because the government is controlling the quota.

(b) Because of export of white cement.

(c) Because of the large usage of white cement.

(d) None of the above

2. Which of the following statements is false according to the passage ?

(a) Price rise in white cement would increase the price of cement paint.

(b) White cement is a controlled product.

(c) Increase in price of white cement is not because of production problem.

(d) Price rise in white cement would upset cement tile market.

3. What is the crisis being faced by the cement tile manufacturers as described in the passage ? 

(a) White cement is priced very low.

(b) White cement is not of good quality.

(c) White cement usage is high.

(d) White cement prices are very high.

4. Which of the following words has the same meaning with the word ‘idle’ as used in the passage ?

(a) Lazy

(b) Clumsy

(c) Large

(d) Excess 

5. Which of the following is correct according to the passage ?

(a) White cement is not used in the manufacture of paint.

(b) White cement forms a minor part of tile manufacturing.

(c) White cement is very important for tile manufacturing.

(d) White cement is used only for making paints.

6. Which of the following words has the same meaning with the word ‘artificial’ as used in the passage ?

(a) Unnatural

(b) Prolonged

(c) Deliberate

(d) Practical

7. What is the author’s suggestion to bring down prices ?

(a) Government should control the white cement market.

(b) Production capacity should be increased.

(c) Usage of white cement in other areas should be reduced.

(d) Competition among manufactures of cement paints and tiles should be reduced.

8. Which of the following words has the opposite meaning with the word ‘basic’ as used in the passage ?

(a) Vital

(b) Unimportant

(c) Acidic

(d) Last

9. Which of the following is correct according to the passage ?

(a) Cement production capacity is more than usage.

(b) Cement production capacity is less than usage.

(c) Cement production capacity is equal to usage.

(d) Cement production capacity is twice than usage.

10. What can be presumed from the passage regarding foreign trade in cement ?

(a) The country is exporting cement at present.

(b) The country is importing cement at present.

(c) The country is exporting and importing cement at present.

(d) The country is neither exporting nor importing cement at present. 

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

Directions (Q.Nos. 11 – 14) :

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.

There are six members M, N, 0, P, Q and R in a family. There are two married couples in family ; N is the businessman and father of Q ; R is the grandfather of 0 ; and is a property dealer; P is the grandmother of Q and is a housewife ; 0 is daughter of M ; There are one businessman, one property dealer, one lady lecturer and two students in the family.

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

11. Who is father in law of M ?

(a) P

(b) R

(c) N 

(d) 0

12. What is the profession of M ?

(a) Housewife

(b) Student 

(c) Lecturer

(d) Property dealer

13. Who is sister of Q ?

(a) 0

(b) P

(c) M

(d) N

14. Which of the following are two married couples ?

(a) MO and QR

(b) MN and PR

(c) PR and OQ

(d) MN and QR

15. If CONFRONTATION is coded as 5931793484693, then TORONTO will be coded as :

(a) 4797347

(b) 4393743

(c) 4898348

(d) 4979349

15. Which pair is different in some way from the others in the following ?

(a) Town-Shandy

(b) Village-Mall

(c) City-Market

(d) Arcade-Shop

16. World Population day is celebrated on :

(a) 19 July

(b) 11 July

(c) 15 July

(d) 17 July

17. Gandhiji made a dramatic bid for temple entry rights for untouchables in the year :

(a) 1940

(b) 1935

(c) 1930

(d) 1920

18. National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER) is being managed by :



(c) UGC


19. Who was the Editor of the Revolutionary Paper ‘Bande Matram’ ?

(a) Shyamji Krishan Verma

(b) Bhikaji Cama

(c) V. D. Sarvarkar

(d) G. D. Sarvarkar

20. How many Nations had signed the charter of United Nations on 26th June 1945 ?

(a) 64

(b) 61

(c) 52

(d) 51

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

21. Who among the following has termed Indian Federalism as “Co-Operative Federalism” ?

(a) K.C. Wheare

(b) Morris Jones

(c) Granville Austin

(d) Jennings

22. By which year, the Union Cabinet on June 17, 2015 has proposed to provide ‘Housing for All’ ?

(a) 2030

(b) 2025

(c) 2022

(d) 2018

23. Which country topped the Global Innovation Index (GII) 2015 that was released on 17 Sep, 2015 ?

(a) Switzerland

(b) United Kingdom

(c) Sweden 

(d) Netherlands

24. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is head quartered in :

(a) Paris (France)

(b) Vienna (Austria)

(c) New York City (USA)

(d) Brussels (Belgium)  

25. Which city hosted the 2016 Olympic games ?

(a) Seoul

(b) Barcelona

(c) Rio-De-Janerio

(d) Los Angeles

26. The main objective of ‘Sakshar Bharat’ is :

(a) to promote ‘education for all’

(b) to promote adult education

(c) to promote vocational education

(d) to promote education for women

27. Under which article of the Constitution the President of India has been empowered to promulgate ordinance ?

(a) Article 356

(b) Article 360

(c) Article 200

(d) Article 123

28. Right to Education Act, 2009 is mainly concerned with :

(a) Higher Education

(b) Elementary Education

(c) Secondary Education

(d) Higher Secondary Education

29. Who is the author of the Book ‘Fundamental Unity of India’ ?

(a) Radhakumud Mukherji

(b) Jawaharlal Nehru

(c) Rajani Kothari

(d) Max Weber

30. In which year state reorganisation commission gave its report on the basis of language ?

(a) 1953

(b) 1954

(c) 1955

(d) 1956

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

31. According to United Nations Report released in July 2015, which of the following countries will become the world’s most populous country by 2022 ?

(a) India

(b) China

(c) Pakistan

(d) Bangladesh

32. During September 2015, which of the following countries has published first report written by a ‘robot journalist’ ?

(a) Japan

(b) China

(c) Germany

(d) Switzerland 

33. Where did Madam Cama hoist the first tricolour Flag in 1907 ?

(a) London

(b) Paris

(c) Moscow

(d) Stuttgart

34. Which committee/commission gave its specific recommendations to improve the conditions of Teacher Education in India ?

(a) Hansa Mehta Committee

(b) Radha Krishnan Commission

(c) Justice Verma Commission

(d) National Knowledge Commission

35. “IEDSS” stands for :

(a) International Education for Disadvantaged at Social Stage

(b) Integrated Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage

(c) Inclusive Education for Disadvantaged at Secondary Stage

(d) Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage

36. Who among the following shall preside over the joint sitting at two houses of Parliament ?

(a) President

(b) Prime – Minister

(c) Chairman of Rajya Sabha

(d) Speaker of Lok Sabha

37. Which article of the Constitution defines the duties of Chief Minister ?

(a) 162

(b) 164

(c) 165 

(d) 167

38. Light from the Sun reaches earth in :

(a) 8 minutes

(b) 2 minutes

(c) 6 minutes

(d) 4 minutes

39. Which one of the following was the last step in the Gandhian strategy of Satyagraha ?

(a) Boy-Cott

(b) Picketing

(c) Fast

(d) Strike

40. Finances are distributed between the centre and the state on the recommendation of :

(a) Planning Commission

(b) Public Accounts Committee

(c) Finance Commission

(d) National Development Council

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

41. Determining the aim of education is the responsibility of :

(a) Parents

(b) Teachers

(c) Students

(d) Society

42. The schools through its programmes help students to :

(a) Assimilate culture

(b) Protest culture

(c) Ignore other cultures

(d) Make them cultured

43. To make all students interested in home work , it should be :

(a) Of equal level

(b) According to the ability of student

(c) Only from the book

(d) Out of the book

44. Navodaya schools has been established to :

(a) Increase number of schools in rural areas

(b) Provide good education in rural areas

(c) Complete “Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan”

(d) Check wastage of education in rural areas

45. The most important quality of an effective teacher is :

(a) Deep Knowledge about the subject taught

(b) A strict disciplinarian

(c) Good rap port with the students

(d) A good motivator

46. The idea of basic education was propounded by :

(a) Dr. Zakir Hussain

(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

(c) Mahatma Gandhi

(d) Rabindra Nath Tagore

47. Individual attention is important in Teaching-learning process because :

(a) Learners always learn better in group

(b) Teacher training programmes prescribed it

(c) It offers better opportunities to teachers to discipline each learner

(d) Children develop at different rates and learn differently

48. If a child writes with his/her left hand and is comfortable doing things with it, she/he should be :

(a) Discouraged

(b) Made to write with left hand

(c) Allowed his preference

(d) Sent to seek medical help

49. Which of the following statements is true about ‘Learning’ ?

(a) Errors made by children indicate that no learning has taken place

(b) Learning is effective in an environment that is emotionally positive and satisfying for learners

(c) Learning is not affected by emotional factors at any stage of learning

(d) Learning is fundamentally a mental activity

50. It is advantage of giving home work that students :

(a) Remain busy at home

(b) Study at home

(c) May be checked for their progress

(d) May develop habit of self study

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

51. A field trip is arranged for :

(a) Making an excursion

(b) See other people doing things

(c) Note the meaning of action

(d) All of the above

52. Students are passive in :

(a) Project method

(b) Discovery method

(c) Lecture method

(d) Inquiry method

53. Demonstration effect means :

(a) Effect of advertisement

(b) Imitating effect of consumption

(c) Effect of entertainment

(d) Effect of an experiment

54. Dyslexia is a :

(a) Physical disability in which the ability to write is affected by dysfunctional fingers

(b) Form of reading disability linked with weak vision

(c) Learning difficulty to read fluently and with accurate comprehension despite average intelligence

(d) Language based learning difficulty associated with impaired hearing

55. If you find a student wearing some odd dress in your class, you will :

(a) Ask the student not to attend the class

(b) Make a joke on him

(c) Counsel him not to wear such clothes in a class

(d) Not pay any attention

56. Some students are backward in studies. What will be your attitude towards, them :

(a) Harsh

(b) Sympathetic

(c) Liberal

(d) Lovable

57. Play therapy is adopted in the study of children in order to :

(a) Make the educational process joyful

(b) To understand the inner motives and complexes of children

(c) Make education more activity centred

(d) Highlight the importance of play activities in education

58. The best remedy of the student’s problems related with learning is :

(a) Suggestion for hard work

(b) Supervised study in library

(c) Suggestion for private tuition

(d) Diagnostic teaching

59. In a democratic country like India, schools should concentrate on :

(a) Development of traits to face the hurdles of daily life

(b) Development of traits of a good citizenship

(c) Preparation for academic excellence

(d) Inculcation of values cherished by country

60. It can safely be assumed that a student understands a principle when He/She can :

(a) Give more examples of it

(b) Use it in solving problems to which it applies

(c) Recognise it again when He/She encounters it again

(d) Recall the principles as and when asked

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

61. Despite of your requests as an in charge of time table in the school, a teacher always comes late. In this situation, you will :

(a) Insult him in the presence of other teachers

(b) Advise him to come in time

(c) Report to the principal

(d) Remain indifferent to it

62. ‘Every learner is unique’ means that :

(a) No two learners are alike in their abilities, interests and talents

(b) Learners do not have any common qualities, nor do they share common goals

(c) A common curriculum for all learners is not possible

(d) It is impossible to develop the potentials of learners in a heterogeneous class

63. The in-service teacher training can be made more effective by:

(a) Using training package which is well prepared in advance

(b) Making it residential programme

(c) Using co-operative approach

(d) Practicing training follow-up procedures

64. In NCTE – the B. Ed curriculum frame work -2014 which of the following is emphasized in education.

(a) IT (Information Technology)

(b) ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

(c) ET (Educational Technology)

(d) CT (Communication Technology)

65. How many senses a person uses while watching a film ?

(a) 1

(b) 2 

(c) 3 

(d) 4 

66. For photosynthesis, the green plant needs :

(a) CO2

(b) light

(c) chlorophyll

(d) All of these

67. In aquatic plant Hydrilla, stomata are :

(a) Present on leaves 

(b) Present on stem

(c) Present on roots

(d) Absent

68. Convex mirror can from :

(a) Only real image

(b) Only virtual image

(c) Both real as well as virtual images

(d) Only magnified images

69. The unit of Pressure is :

(a) Newton

(b) Newton per sq.m

(c) Per sq.m

(d) Joule

70. Polio is :

(a) Food borne disease

(b) Water borne disease

(c) Air borne disease

(d) None of the above

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

71. Two wires A and B are made of the same metal and are of equal lengths but their diametersare in the ratio 1 : 2. Their resistances RAand RBhave the ratio :

(a) 1 : 4

(b) 1 : 2

(c) 2 : 1

(d) 4 : 1 

72. According to Einstein the Energy (E) Mass (M) and Velocity of light (C) are related by the equation :

(a) E=MxC

(b) E MC2

(c) E = M + C2

(d) E+M=C

73. Plant cell can do :

(a) Breathing and Respiration

(b) Respiration and Photosynthesis

(c) Breathing and Photosynthesis

(d) All of these

74. The wave length of X-rays is smaller than that of visible light and:

(a) Its speed is more than that of visible light

(b) Its frequency is more than that of visible light

(c) Its speed is less than that of visible light

(d) Its frequency is less than that of visible light

75. The two colours seen at the extreme ends of the pH chart are :

(a) Red and Blue

(b) Red and Green 

(c) Green and blue

(d) Yellow and green

76. HIV is a :

(a) Disease

(b) Vaccine

(c) Virus

(d) Injection

77. A body is weighed in several liquids of relative densities 1.1 , 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. Its weight will be the least in the liquid of relative density:

(a) 1.1

(b) 1.2

(c) 1.3

(d) 1.4

78. A concave lens produces :

(a) Virtual image

(b) Diminished image

(c) Erect image

(d) All of these

79. When two wires of resistances 2 Ohms and 1 Ohm respectively are joined in parallel, their equivalent resistance is :

(a) < 1 Ohm

(b) 1 Ohm

(c) 2 Ohm

(d) > 2 Ohm


Directions (Q.Nos. 80 – 83) :

Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

Geeta, Sita, Promila, Bhavana and Nafisa are five friends. Each one of has six balls. Gita gives 3 balls to Nafisa who gives 4 balls to Promila. Bhavana gives 2 balls to Sita who gives 3 balls to Geeta. Promila gives 4 balls to Bhavana who gives 2 balls each to Nafisa and Geeta.

80. How many balls does Nafisa have ?

(a) 4

(b) 5

(c) 6

(d) 7

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

81. How many balls does Sita have ?

(a) 4

(b) 5

(c) 6

(d) 7

82. Who has the minimum number of balls ?

(a) Bhavana 

(b) Nafisa 

(c) Sita

(d) Promila

83. Who has the maximum number of balls ?

(a) Promila

(b) Nafisa

(c) Sita

(d) Geeta

84. Ultimate main source of energy on the earth is :

(a) Coal

(b) Fossil oil

(c) Sun

(d) Air

85. The Commercial unit of electric energy is :

(a) Horse Power

(b) Kilo Watt Hour

(c) Joule

(d) Watt hour

86. Destruction of forests have resulted in :

(a) Shortage of Rain

(b) Shortage of Natural Resources

(c) Danger to the lives of wild animals and birds

(d) All of the above

87. Use of Chlorofluorocarbons :

(a) Strengthnes Ozone layer in the atmosphere

(b) Depletes Ozone layer

(c) Does not affect ozone layer

(d) Is not a harmful

88. Sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio 4 : 9. Areas of these triangles would be in the ratio

(a) 2 : 3

(b) 4 : 9

(c) 81 : 16

(d) 16 : 81

89. The wheels of a car are of diameter 80 cm each. The car runs at a speed of 66 km per hour for 10 minutes. The number of complete revolutions made by each wheel is

(a) 2640

(b) 3960

(c) 4375

(d) 4875

90. Metallic spheres of radii 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm, respectively, are melted to form a single solid sphere the radius of this sphere would be

(a) 8 cm

(b) 12 cm

(c) 14 cm

(d) 16 cm

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

91. The curved surface area of a right circular cylinder of height 14 cm is 88 cm The diameter of the base of cylinder is :

(a) 4 cm

(b) 3 cm

(c) 2 cm

(d) 1 cm

92. A train which is 500 meter long crosses a 800 meter long platform in one minute five seconds. The speed of the train is

(a) 55 km/hr

(b) 65 km/hr

(c) 70 km/hr

(d) 72 km/hr

93. The ratio of fathers age to his son’s age is 7 : 3. The product of their ages is 756. The ratio of their ages after 6 years will be

(a) 2 : 1

(b) 5 : 2

(c) 11 : 7 

(d) 13 : 9

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

94. Two numbers are in the ratio of 7 : 4. If 12 is added to the smaller number, The ratio becomes 7 : 5, the bigger number is

(a) 77

(b) 84

(c) 91

(d) 98

95. In order to pass an examination, a minimum of 33% marks are required. A candidate obtaining 210 marks fails by 21 marks. The total marks for examination was

(a) 700

(b) 600

(c) 550

(d) 500

96. A shopkeeper has marked selling price 20% above the cost price and allows some discount to the customers, the -profit he earns is 8%. The rate of discount is

(a) 5 %

(b) 6%

(c) 10%

(d) 12%

97. A conical tent 14 meter in diameter and 4.5 meter high is to be erected with lateral side 6 meter in length the cloth required will be

(a) 108 rn2

(b) 132 m2 

(c) 224 m2

(d) 264 m2

98. Two sides of triangle are 8 cm and 11 cm and the perimeter is 32 cm. Its area is

(a) 3/.16 cat2

(b) 5,1-4 cm2

(c) 8.J30 cm2

(d) 50 cm2

99. The length of a tangent from a point A at a distance of 5 cm from the center of the circle is 4 cm. The radius of the circle is

(a) 2 cm

(b) 3 cm

(c) 4 cm

(d) 4.5 cm

100. What is the currency of Bhutan ?

(a) Rupee

(b) Dinar

(c) Taka

(d) Ngultrum 0 0 0.

B Ed Entrance Test Practice Que Paper 1

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