Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution


Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution

Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution

Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution

Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution

Right to Equality: 

1. Equality before Law [Art.14] 

2. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, caste, creed etc. [Art.15]

3.Equalitty of opportunity in employment. [Art.16] 

4. Abolition of untouchability [Art.17] 

5. Abolition of titles [Art.18]   

Right to freedom: 

1. Freedom of speech and expression, assembly; movement; residencee and settlement; profession. [Art.19]

2. Protection in respect of conviction for offences. [Art.20] 

3. Protection of life and personal liberty [Art.21] 

4. Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases. [Art.22]

Right against exploitation: 

1. Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour. [Art.23] 

2. Prohibition of employment of children in hazardous jobs. [24]

Right to Freedom of Religion:   

1. Freedom of Conscience and free profession. [Art.25] 

2. Freedom to manage religious affairs. [Art.26] 

3. Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion. [Art.27] 

4. Freedom as to attendance at religious instruction in certain educational institutions. [Art.28] 

Cultural and Educational Rights: 

1. Protection of language, script or culture of minorities [Art.29] 

2. Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions. [Art.30]

Right to Constitutional Remedies: 

1. Remedies for enforcement of the Fundamental Rights conferred by this part–writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, certiorari and quo-warranto. [Art.32] 0 0 0

Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution

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