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Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys F2: Edit the selected cell.  F5: Go to a specific cell. For example, C6  Ctrl+Shift+;: Enter the current time  Ctrl+:: Enter...
Microsoft Powerpoint Short Cut Keys

Microsoft Powerpoint Short Cut Keys

Microsoft Powerpoint Short Cut Keys Microsoft Powerpoint Short Cut Keys Shortcut while preparing  PowerPoint presentation   Ctrl+N: Create a new presentation  Ctrl+K: Insert hyperlink  F7: Check the spelling  CTRL+M: Insert new...
Abbreviations Related to Computer Science

Abbreviations Related to Computer Science

Abbreviations Related to Computer Science Abbreviations Related to Computer Science A.B.C. –– Atana Soff Berry Computer  A.I. ––  Artificial Intelligence  A.L.U. –– Arithmetic Logical Unit  ASCC––  Automatic Sequence Controlled...
Branches of Science

Branches of Science

Branches of Science Branches of Science Branch  Concerned Field  Angiology–– Study of blood vascular system.     Anthropology–– Study of apes and man.  Araneology–– Study of spiders.  Batracology–– Study of frogs.  Biochemistry––...
Scientific Laws Principles and Theories

Scientific Laws Principles and Theories

Scientific Laws Principles and Theories Scientific Laws Principles and Theories Archimedes Principle  When an object (wholly or partially) is immersed in a liquid, it experiences a buoyant...
List of Some Scientific Instruments

List of Some Scientific Instruments

List of Some Scientific Instruments List of Some Scientific Instruments Altimeter––It measures the altitude used in aircraft.  Ammeter––It measures the strength of electric current (in amperes)  Anemometer––It measures...
Fathers of Some Branches of Science

Fathers of Some Branches of Science

Fathers of Some Branches of Science Fathers of Some Branches of Science Aristotle––Father of Nature’s History, Father of Biology, Father of Zoology. Addison––Father of Endocrinology   Edward Jenner––Father of...
Common Numerical Values in Science

Common Numerical Values in Science

Common Numerical Values in Science Common Numerical Values in Science  1. ð= 3.1416  memrizing aid:   2. Velocity of light= 3108 m/s  3. Magnitude of universal gravitational constant =...
Atomic Number

Atomic Number

Atomic Number Atomic Number Element –– Symbol –– Atomic Number  Hydrogen  ––– H ––– 1  Helium ––– He ––– 2  Lithium ––– Li ––– 3  Beryllium ––– Be ––– 4  Boron ––– B...
Some Important Alloys

Some Important Alloys

Some Important Alloys Some Important Alloys Name ––– Composition ––– Use Brass  ––– Cu ((60 to 80%),  Zn (40 to 20%) ––– For making household utensils   Broze ––– Cu...
Chemical Names of Common Compounds

Chemical Names of Common Compounds

Chemical Names of Common Compounds Chemical Names of Common Compounds  Comp.Name  –– Chemical Name –– Chemical Formulae Dry Ice ––– Solid Carbon dioxide ––– Co2 Slaked Lime ––– Calcium...
Common Bodily Disorder

Common Bodily Disorder

Common Bodily Disorder Common Bodily Disorder Allergy: A special reaction to a certain substance such as pollen or certain foods (causing sneezing, skin rashes, etc). Allergy...
Human Diseases and Affected Body Parts

Human Diseases and Affected Body Parts

Human Diseases and Affected Body Parts Human Diseases and Affected Body Parts Disease –––Affected body part  AIDS––Immune System of the body  Arthritis––Joints  Asthma––Bronchial muscles  Cataract––Eyes  Diabetes ––Pancreas and blood  Dermatitis––Skin  Diptheria ––Throat  Eczema––Skin  Glaucoma––Eyes  Goitre––Thyroid  Hepatitis––Liver  Jaundice ––Liver  Malaria ––Spleen Meningitis––Spinal...
Common Drugs and Their Uses

Common Drugs and Their Uses

Common Drugs and Their Uses Common Drugs and Their Uses Anaesthetics: Drugs that block sensory nerves and make the patient fully unconscious to prevent him from feeling...
Scientific Invention

Scientific Invention

Scientific Invention Scientific Invention Invention ––Inventor–––Year Adding Machine––Blaise Pascal––1642  Aeroplane––Wright Brothers ––1903  Air Conditioning ––Willies Carrier––1911   Antiseptic ––Dr. Joseph Lister––1867  Aspirin ––Dr. Felix Hoffman––1899  Atom Bomb––Julius Robert Oppenheimer––1945  Automobile ––Karl Benz––1855  Automobile (steam)––Nicolas Cugnot––1769  Ballon––Jacques...
Scientific Discoveries

Scientific Discoveries

Scientific Discoveries Discovery––– Discoverer––Year San Salvador (Watling Island)––C. Columbus––1492  The Bahamas, Cuba and Haiti, Mainland ––Columbus––1498 Magellan Strait––Ferdinand Magellan ––1519-22   Canada––Jacques Cartier ––1534-36  Australia ––William Janszoon––1606  Bacteria––Anton Von Leeuwenhoek––1683  Sailed around...
MCQs on Environmental Science 2

MCQs on Environmental Science 2

MCQs on Environmental Science 2 MCQs on Environmental Science 2  Q. Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below each question. 101. Environmental science is...

Recents Posts

এটি ফুল (কথিকা) । অমূল্য বৰুৱা

এটি ফুল (কথিকা) । অমূল্য বৰুৱা

আপুনি যদি 'এটি ফুল (কথিকা), অমূল্য বৰুৱা' কবিতাটো বিচাৰি আছে আৰু ইয়াৰ বিষয়ে বিশদভাবে জানিব বিচাৰিছে, তেন্তে এই নিবন্ধখন আপোনাৰ বাবে। এই নিবন্ধখন ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰী...


সংগ্ৰাম সংগ্ৰাম -- আবুল কালাম আজাদ  অজস্ত্ৰ অভাৱী অসমীয়া জনতাৰ মলিন মুখ সংগ্ৰাম আমাৰ ... অভাৱী জনতাৰ দুঃখ মোচন বিচ্যুত কৰা সময়ৰ দুৰ্বাৰ গতি অবিকৃত সমাজৰ পট-পৰিবৰ্তন ক্ষমতাচ্যুত কৰা দুৰ্নীতি ক্ষমতালিপ্সু সংগ্ৰাম আমাৰ ... বাধ্য...


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দুৰ্বাৰ সময়ৰ গতি

দুৰ্বাৰ সময়ৰ গতি

দুৰ্বাৰ সময়ৰ গতি -- আবুল কালাম আজাদ   কুটিল প্ৰশাসনৰ নীতি জনতাৰ কৰুণ বিনতি কোলাহল শূন্য চহৰ-নগৰ তলাবদ্ধ দোকান পোহাৰ হাট বজাৰ স্তব্ধ জনতাৰ ভীৰ বিক্ষিপ্ত যানবাহনৰ যাত্ৰী লুপ্ত অনুষ্ঠান প্ৰতিষ্ঠান নিস্তব্ধ নিৰ্বাক শ্ৰমিকৰ আৰ্তনাদ ভোকৰ...
Readers English Grammar & Compositon

Readers English Grammar & Composition

Readers English Grammar & Composition for Classes: V, VI & VII  By Growhills Writers' Board, Internet Edition, Published by Growhills Publishing. Readers English Grammar &...