India in Figure


India in Figure

India in Figure

India in Figure

Area––32,87,590 sq. km.Latitude––5o4/ N to 37o/ N, Longitude–– 68o7/ E to 97o25/ E 

Total coastline–– 7517 km

Total landmass:

(i) Plains––43.3%

(ii) Plateaus––27.7%

(iii) Hills––18.6%

(iv) Mountains–– 10.7%

Union Territories–– 6

National Capital Territories––1

Railway Route Length –– 64,600 km ( Yearbook 2011-12)

Road Length –– 37,90,344 km. (approx)

National Highways ––  92,851 km. (approx)

National Water Ways –– 14,500 km. (approx)

Area covered by forest ––  692,027 sq. km. ( 2011, FSI)

Total Population (2011) –– 1,21,05,69,573 (appx.)

Male Population (2011) ––  62,31,21,843 (appx.)

Female Population (2011) –– 58,74,47,730 (appx.)

Density of Population –– 382 persons per sq. km.

Sex Ratio (females per 1000 males) –– 943

Decadal Growth Rate (2011) –– 17.64%

Male –– 17.19%

Female –– 18.12%

Child Population (0-6 years), 2011 –– 13.12%

States –– 29

Lok Sabha Seats –– 552 (Maximum)

Rajya Sabha Seats –– 250 (Maximum)

Major Ports in Coastline –– 12 (185 others)

Southernmost Point ––  Indira Point

Largest State (areawise) –– Rajasthan

Smallest State (areawise) –– Goa. 0 0 0

India in Figure

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