Leading News Agencies in India


Leading News Agencies in India

Leading News Agencies in India

Leading News Agencies in India

Leading News Agencies in India 

There are four news agencies in India: 

1. Press Trust of India. 

2. United News of India. 

3. Samachhar Bharati 

4. Hindustan Samachar 

The Press Trust of India and the United News of India supply news in English, the other two operating through the medium of Hindi and other Indian languages. 

Press Trust of India (PTI):

The largest news agency in India. Headquarters: New Delhi. Corporate Office: Samsad Marg, New Delhi. Registered Office: D.N. Road, Mumbai. International Offices: Bangkok, Dubai, Moscow,  Beijing, Islamabad, New York, Colombo, Kuala Lumpur, Washington D.C. Organisation and Operation: Soon after India’s independence on 15 August 1947, PTI took over the operations of the Associated Press from Reuters. Among more than 500 Indian newspapers, it is a non-profit cooperative organization. As on 8 January, it has around 984 full-time employees. It is the only news agency in South Asia that operates its own communication satellite, an INSAT (to broadcast news and information).  

Information Broadcasting: 

Provides news coverage and information of the region in both English and Hindi. 

Exchanges information with several news agencies including 100 news agencies based outside India such as Associated Press, The New York Times, Agence France-Presse, Bloomberg L.P. 

Major Indian Subscribers of PTI:

The Hindu, The Statesman, Times of India, The Tribune,  The Indian Express, The All India Radio, The Hindustan Times, Doordarshan. 0 0 0

Leading News Agencies in India

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