MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2 MCQs on Modern Indian History 2 Q. Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below each question. 101. The programme...
MCQs on Assam History

MCQs on Assam History

MCQs on Assam History MCQs on Assam History Q. Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below each question. 1. Upper Assam was annexed to...
MCQs on Medieval Indian History 2

MCQs on Medieval Indian History 2

MCQs on Medieval Indian History 2 MCQs on Medieval Indian History 2 101. Who was the Mughal emperor at the time of Ahmad Shah Abdali’s invasion...
MCQs on Modern Indian History

MCQs on Modern Indian History

MCQs on Modern Indian History MCQs on Modern Indian History Q. Choose the correct option form the alternatives given below each question. 1. Who started the Indian...
MCQs on Ancient Indian History

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

MCQs on Ancient Indian History MCQs on Ancient Indian History Q. Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below each question: 1. At which among the...
MCQs on Medieval Indian History

MCQs on Medieval Indian History

MCQs on Medieval Indian History MCQs on Medieval Indian History Q. Choose the correct alternative from the option given below each question: 1. Abdur Razzak came from...
MCQs on Ancient Indian History 2

MCQs on Ancient Indian History 2

MCQs on Ancient Indian History 2 MCQs on Ancient Indian History 2 101. What is ‘Milind panho’? (a) A Buddhist place (b) One of the names of Buddha (c)...
MCQs on Modern Indian History 3

MCQs on Modern Indian History 3

MCQs on Modern Indian History 3 MCQs on Modern Indian History 3 Q. Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below each question. 201. Who started the journal...

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