MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3


MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3

Q. Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below each question.

201. Under Wood Dispatch in 1857, three universities established were.

(a) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras

(b) Karachi

(c) Peshawar

(d) Lahore

Ans: (a)

202. Punjab University was established in?

(a) 1887

(b) 1892

(c) 1854

(d) 1974

Ans: (a)

203. Indian education commission was established under the headship of ?

(a) Sir Charles  wood

(b) Lord Macaulay

(c) Sir William Hunter

(d) Sir Thomas

Ans: (c)

204. Which of the following is the nature of the curriculum?

(a) Conservative

(b) Critical

(c) Creative

(d) All of these

Ans: (a)

205. The curriculum provides guidance for?

(a) Student

(b) School

(c) Parents

(d) Teacher

Ans: (a)

206. The syllabus is a part of the?

(a) Student

(b) School

(c) Parents

(d) Curriculum

Ans: (d)

207. What is Curriculum?

(a) Overall activities of an Institution

(b) Objectivity

(c) Classroom

(d) Affective

Ans: (a)

208. The important factor of the curriculum is to help to achieve the?

(a) Objectivity

(b) Classroom

(c) Affective

(d) Students

Ans: (a)

209. Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

(a) Objectivity

(b) Curriculum wing

(c) Affective

(d) Students

Ans: (b)

210. Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through our present system of examination?

(a) Objectivity

(b) Classroom

(c) Affective

(d) Students

Ans: (c)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3

211. Benefits A.V. Aids are that they?

(a) Create interest

(b) Reduce verbalization

(c) Stimulate self-activity

(d) All of above

Ans: (d)

212. The curriculum presents instructional material stated by

(a) Smith

(b) Wheller

(c) Jack Kerr

(d) None

Ans: (a)

213. The relationship of subjects at different levels is called?

(a) Centralization

(b) De centralization

(c) Horizontal organization

(d) Vertical organization

Ans: (d)

214. An outline of the topics of a subject to the covered in a specific time is called?

(a) Curriculum

(b) Course

(c) Syllabus

(d) None

Ans: (c)

215. Curriculum organization used for different concepts in the same class is?

(a) Vertical

(b) Horizontal

(c) Logical

(d) None

Ans: (b)

216. The category of Audio Visual Aids is?

(a) Radio

(b) Television

(c) Tape recorder

(d) All of these

Ans: (d)

217. The major concern of curriculum is?

(a) Personal satisfaction

(b) Change in individuals behavior

(c) Preparation for service

(d) None

Ans: (b)

218. The selection of the particular design is influenced by?

(a) Types

(b) Elements

(c) Foundation

(d) Principle

Ans: (c)

219. The intelligence level of gifted students is?

(a) 140 & above

(b) 110

(c) 90

(d) None

Ans: (a)

220. The scope of the curriculum include

(a) Programme of studies

(b) Programme of Activites

(c) Programme of Guidance

(d) All

Ans: (d)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3

221. The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a?

(a) Constitution in a country

(b) Provision of the latest knowledge

(c) Preparation of students for service (d) None

Ans: (a)

222. The curriculum is supposed to?

(a) Achieve the objectives

(b) Be organized by the school

(c) Both

(d) None

Ans: (c)

223. The curriculum reflects the culture of?

(a) Society

(b) Home

(c) School

(d) Area

Ans: (a)

224. The outline of the contents is?

(a) Course

(b) Syllabus

(c) Programme

(d) All above

Ans: (b)

225. Component of the curriculum is?

(a) Evaluation

(b) Objectives

(c) Teaching strategies

(d) All

Ans: (d)

226. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a?

(a) Course of learning

(b) Chariot race course

(c) Course of study

(d) None

Ans: (b)

227. The model of curriculum could not move above the elementary stage.

(a) Core curriculum

(b) Activity Curriculum

(c) Subject Curriculum

(d) None

Ans: (b)

228. Detailed contents of the subjects for a class are called?

(a) Course

(b) Behavior

(c) Design

(d) Logical sequence

Ans: (a)

229. A curriculum is the sum total of a school’s efforts to influence a child.

(a) Course

(b) Behavior

(c) Design

(d) Logical sequence

Ans: (b)

230. The percentage of knowledge gained through observation is?

(a) 75 %

(b) 50 %

(c) 34%

(d) None

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3

231. Which one is not a component of the curriculum?

(a) Design

(b) Evaluation

(c) Curriculum design

(d) Abilities

Ans: (a)

232. The effectiveness of the curriculum is determined by the?

(a) Design

(b) Evaluation

(c) Curriculum design

(d) Abilities

Ans: (b)

233. The arrangement of the elements of the curriculum can be defined as?

(a) Design

(b) Evaluation

(c) Curriculum design

(d) Abilities

Ans: (c)

234. The base on which the subject activities and experience are planned is called?

(a) Course

(b) Behavior

(c) Design

(d) Logical sequence

Ans: (c)

235. Keeping in view the types of students in a class are generally grouped as?

(a) Average

(b) Below average

(c) Above average

(d) All

Ans: (d)

236. The logical order of content organization is to arrange the content according to?

(a) Course

(b) Behavior

(c) Design

(d) Logical sequence

Ans: (d)

237. Summative evaluation takes place?

(a) In the beginning

(b) At the end

(c) In the middle

(d) None

Ans: (b)

238. Without a suitable curriculum, the aims of education

(a) Can be achieved

(b) Cannot be achieved

(c) Can be changed

(d) None

Ans: (b)

239. How many basic components of the curriculum have?

(a) 2

(b) 4

(c) 6

(d) 8

Ans: (b)

240. Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum?

(a) Designing

(b) Implementing

(c) Evaluating

(d) All

Ans: (d)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3

241. The term “core curriculum” is sometimes simply called?

(a) Core

(b) Code

(c) Cope

(d) None

Ans: (a)

242. The method used to evaluate the curriculum is?

(a) Formative Evaluation

(b) Summative Evaluation

(c) Diagnostic Evaluation

(d) All of a, b & c above

Ans: (d)

243. On the way of finding out, what is going on in a classroom is?

(a) Observation

(b) Education psychology

(c) Foundation of curriculum

(d) Is the purpose of life?

Ans: (a)

244. When, what, why, and How, to teach is the main task of?

(a) Observation

(b) Education psychology

(c) Foundation of curriculum

(d) Is the purpose of life?

Ans: (b)

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245. The forces that affect the development of curriculum are called?

(a) Observation

(b) Education psychology

(c) Foundation of curriculum

(d) Is the purpose of life?

Ans: (c)

246. Philosophy and curriculum are concerned with the question of what?

(a) Observation

(b) Education psychology

(c) Foundation of curriculum

(d) Is the purpose of life?

Ans: (d)

247. A framework of action for preparing a curriculum is?

(a) Curriculum design

(b) Foundation of curriculum

(c) Curriculum evaluation

(d) Elements of curriculum

Ans: (a)

248. Knowledge is compartmentalized in?

(a) Subject-centered curriculum

(b) Learner-centered curriculum

(c) Activity-centered curriculum

(d) None

Ans: (a)

249. Prior planning is characteristic of?

(a) Subject-centered curriculum

(b) Learner-centered curriculum

(c) Activity-centered curriculum

(d) None

Ans: (a)

250. The philosophical foundation of the curriculum is concerned with?

(a) Ideas

(b) Psychological Foundation

(c) Society

(d) Content

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3

251. Student needs and interests are important in?

(a) Ideas

(b) Psychological Foundation

(c) Society

(d) Content

Ans: (b)

252. Sociological foundations are concerned with?

(a) Ideas

(b) Psychological Foundation

(c) Society

(d) Content

Ans: (c)

253. Subject-centered designs revolve around?

(a) Ideas

(b) Psychological Foundation

(c) Society

(d) Content

Ans: (d)

254. Nature of elements of curriculum and pattern of their organization is?

(a) Curriculum design

(b) Foundation of curriculum

(c) Curriculum evaluation

(d) Elements of curriculum

Ans: (a)

255. Explanatory methods are used in?

(a) Subject-centered curriculum

(b) Learner-centered curriculum

(c) Activity-centered curriculum

(d) None

Ans: (a)

256. Broad field curriculum is a modification of?

(a) Subject-centered curriculum

(b) Learner-centered curriculum

(c) Activity-centered curriculum

(d) None

Ans: (a)

257. Rote learning is a demerit of?

(a) Subject-centered curriculum

(b) Learner-centered curriculum

(c) Activity-centered curriculum

(d) None

Ans: (a)

258. Teacher training is less emphasized in?

(a) Subject-centered curriculum

(b) Learner-centered curriculum

(c) Activity-centered curriculum

(d) None

Ans: (a)

259. Curriculum based on the thinking of John Dewey is?

(a) Subject-centered curriculum

(b) Learner-centered curriculum

(c) Activity-centered curriculum

(d) None

Ans: (c)

260. Prior planning is not possible in?

(a) Activity-centered curriculum

(b) Integrated curriculum

(c) Decrease in the number of books

(d) Horizontal organization

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3

261. The curriculum emphasized for primary classes is?

(a) Activity-centered curriculum

(b) Integrated curriculum

(c) Decrease in the number of books

(d) Horizontal organization

Ans: (b)

262. The purpose of an integrated curriculum is?

(a) Activity-centered curriculum

(b) Integrated curriculum

(c) Decrease in the number of books

(d) Horizontal organization

Ans: (c)

263. The relationship of different concepts at one level is?

(a) Activity-centered curriculum

(b) Integrated curriculum

(c) Decrease in the number of books

(d) Horizontal organization

Ans: (d)

264. Which is not concerned with teacher training?

(a) BISE

(b) University of Education

(c) IER

(d) DSD

Ans: (a)

265. Examinations are conducted by?

(a) BISE

(b) University of Education

(c) IER

(d) DSD

Ans: (a)

266. The body length of a child at the time of birth is-

(a) 20 inches

(b) 30 inches

(c) 40 inches

(d) 45 inches

Ans: (a)

267. The duration of infancy in the process of child development is-

(a) From womb to birth

(b) From birth to 5 years

(c) From 5 to 12 years

(d) From 12 to 21 years

Ans: (b)

268. After six months of the birth of a child his body weight increases in proportion to the birth rate is-

(a) Approximately 2 times

(b) Approximately 3 times

(c) Approximately 4 times

(d) Approximately 5 times

Ans: (a)

269. University of Education was established in?

(a) 2002

(b) 2000

(c) 1998

(d) 1992

Ans: (a)

270. Allama Iqbal Open University was established in?

(a) 2002

(b) 1974

(c) 1998

(d) 1992

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3

271. The system of distance education is observed in the?

(a) BISE

(b) University of Education

(c) Allama Iqbal Open University

(d) None

Ans: (c)

272. The major function of the Punjab text Book Board

(a) Printing books

(b) Examination

(c) Evaluation

(d) None

Ans: (a)

273. Making value judgments about curriculum is?

(a) Curriculum evaluation

(b) Objectives

(c) I.Q

(d) Educational institution

Ans: (a)

274. The most important component of a lesson plan is?

(a) Curriculum evaluation

(b) Objectives

(c) I.Q

(d) Educational institution

Ans: (b)

275. To select a subject matter, one should consider students’.

(a) Curriculum evaluation

(b) Objectives

(c) I.Q

(d) Educational institution

Ans: (c)

276. The implementer for the curriculum is?

(a) Curriculum evaluation

(b) Objectives

(c) I.Q

(d) Educational institution

Ans: (d)

277. The source of achieving objectives is?

(a) Curriculum evaluation

(b) Objectives

(c) I.Q

(d) Action

Ans: (d)

278. The Process of Child Development begins at the stage of-

(a) Embryonic

(b) Natal

(c) Childhood

(d) Babyhood

Ans: (a)

279. The basic elements of development is-

(a) Growth

(b) Maturity

(c) Experience

(d) All of above

Ans: (d)

280. Everything which influences child development is categorized under the ‘Environment’ other than Heridity This statement is given by-

(a) Woodworth

(b) John Dewey

(c) Boring

(d) Percy Nun

Ans: (c)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies-3

281. The period of the first five years of human life is called –

(a) Neonatal

(b) Early childhood

(c) Infancy

(d) Babyhood

Ans: (c)

282. Development is a process, which continues-

(a) Life long

(b) Childhood

(c) At a time

(d) Adulthood

Ans: (a)

283. The basic element of development is –

(a) One

(b) Two

(c) Three

(d) Four 

Ans: (d)

284. From birth, up to two months is –

(a) Neonate stage

(b) Infancy

(c) childhood

(d) Adolescent

Ans: (a)

285. Generally, the child’s brain attains its maturity at the age of-

(a) 3 years

(b) 6 years

(c) 10 years

(d) 15 years

Ans: (b)

286. Dependability is a character of –

(a) Infancy

(b) childhood

(c) Adolescence

(d) Adult

Ans: (a)

287. The stage of 6 years to 12 years is known as –

(a) Infancy

(b) Adolescence

(c) childhood

(d) Adult

Ans: (c)

288. Who holds the view that sex instinct is latent in a person since his infancy?

(a) Montessori

(b) Herbert Spencer

(c) Aristotle

(d) Freud

Ans: (a)

289. Which one of the following stages of a child’s development is popularly nicknamed a Mysterious period of life?

(a) Infancy

(b) childhood

(c) Adolescence

(d) Adulthood

Ans: (b)

290. Psychologists agree about the duration of childhood as –

(a) 6-12 years

(b) 1-6 years

(c) 12-18 years

(d) 8-18 years

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3

291. Narcissism is a character of –

(a) Babyhood

(b) childhood

(c) Adolescence

(d) Infancy

Ans: (d)

292. During infancy which of the following aspect of development is not completed?

(a) Emotional development

(b) Moral development

(c) Language development

(d) Social development

Ans: (b)

293. Gang Loyalty is one of the characteristics of –

(a) Infancy

(b) childhood

(c) Adolescence

(d) None of these

Ans: (b)

294. In early childhood, children should be given education through-

(a) Paper-pencil

(b) Book-pen

(c) Toys and games

(d) Models

Ans: (c)

295. In which month of development the child learns the pronunciation of the mono syllabus?

(a) About 20 months

(b) About 24 months

(c) About 15 months

(d) About 36 months

Ans: (d)

296. Which one of the following is the defect of language development in children?

(a) Stammering

(b) Talk activeness

(c) Scribbled writing

(d) Reserve nature

Ans: (a)

297. The development of a vocabulary of the child up to age of 2 years is –

(a) 70 words

(b) 100 words

(c) 120 words

(d) 140 words

Ans: (b)

298. The motor development during infancy is—

(a) Head movement

(b) Arm and leg movement

(c) Eye movement

(d) All of the above

Ans: (d)

299. Which one is not a physical development of infancy?

(a) Bones development

(b) Emotional development

(c) Muscles and fat

(d) Sense organ development

Ans: (b)

300. Developmental tasks during babyhood and early childhood is—

(a) Learning to take solid food

(b) Learning to walk

(c) Learning to talk

(d) All of the above

Ans: (d) 0 0 0.

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 3

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