MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4


MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

Q. Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below each question.

301. According to Elizabeth Hurlock ‘pre-natal period’ extends to—

(a) Conception to birth

(b) Birth to the end of the second week

(c) One to three years

(d) Two to six years

Ans: (a)

302. Generally in infancy the child’s main feature—

(a) Instinctive In nature

(b) High emotional displays

(c) Cognitive difficulties

(d) Instabilities of focusing attention

Ans: (a)

303. The prenatal period is about—

(a) Ten calendar months and ten days

(b) Nine calendar months and ten days

(c) Nine calendar months and nine days

(d) Ten calendar months and nine days

Ans: (c)

304. The word ‘infant’ suggests—

(a) Extreme helpful

(b) Extreme helplessness

(c) Extreme playful

(d) Extreme emotional

Ans: (b)

305. According to Ross the duration of ready childhood is—

(a) 3-5 years

(b) 5-6 years

(c) 5-9 years

(d) 5-12 years

Ans: (b)

306. Generally in children the simple principles of daily conduct arc being development up to the stage of—

(a) 3-4 years

(b) 4-5 years

(c) 7-8 years

(d) 9-10 years

Ans: (c)

307. The special feature of Child’s behaviors during childhood is—

(a) Introvert personality

(b) Extrovert personality

(c) Absence of personality

(d) Neutral personality

Ans: (b)

308. The first ‘social’ relationship that most infants form is with their—

(a) Mother

(b) Father

(c) Grand Mother

(d) Grand Father

Ans: (a)

309. According to ‘Elizabeth Hurlock’ the early childhood stage extends from—

(a) 6-10 years

(b) 10-12 years

(c) 2-6 years

(d) 10-14 years

Ans: (c)

310. The word ‘puberty’ is derived from the Latin word

(a) Puber

(b) Pubertas

(c) Puberty

(d)  Pubtus

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

311. The period from conception to birth is-

(a) Babyhood

(b) Childhood

(c) Adulthood

(d) None of above

Ans: (d)

312. The development includes three things- Growth, maturation and-

(a) Teaching

(b) Learning

(c) Reading

(d) Writing

Ans: (b)

313. The period of life from eighteen to forty years is called-

(a) Childhood

(b) Adolescence

(c) Puberty

(d) Adulthood

Ans: (d)

314. When babyhood ends with the second birthday, the individual becomes a—

(a) Child

(b) Adolescent

(c) Adult

(d) ‘Baby

Ans: (a)

315. According to ‘Elizabeth Hurlock’ childhood is divided into—

(a) Two separate periods

(b) Three separate periods

(c) Four separate periods

(d) Five separate periods

Ans: (a)

316. Babies are neither moral nor immoral, they are only-

(a) Normal

(b) General

(c) Abnormal

(d) All of the above

Ans: (a)

317. In Which age group a child can differentiate between anger and affection?

(a) In infancy

(b) In childhood

(c) In adolescence

(d) In adulthood

Ans: (a)

318. The period from ten or twelve to thirteen or fourteen years is called-

(a) Babyhood

(b) Childhood

(c) Adolescence

(d) Puberty

Ans: (d)

319. When parents pay more attention to the newborn, the young child feels-

(a) Joy

(b) Jealousy

(c) Crazy

(d) Happy

Ans: (b)

320. Jean Piaget was a powerful proponent of the school of-

(a) Emotional Development

(b) Motor Development

(c) Cognitive Development

(d) Social Development

Ans: (c)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

321. The psychologist who has given much importance to individual differences in children is-

(a) Galton

(b) Freud

(c) Robert

(d) Young

Ans: (a)

322. Which one of the following is an alternative according to Hurlock about child development?

(a) Equal potentialities are never found in two individuals

(b) Two children are almost similar and are of the same age group.

(c) There are found two types of qualities between two children.

(d) Two children arc never uniform in nature

Ans: (a)

323. The child can be seen in the role of the activity  of a family member

(a) When the child becomes of two years old and shares with visiting adult persons at the house.

(b) When a child becomes five years of age and accompanies the parents in the market.

(c) When the child becomes 1-11/4 years of age and works as a piece of entertainment.

(d) When the child binds up in a linguistic relationship with family members. 

Ans: (a)

324. The cause of unreasonable emotional development of children is-

(a) Rejection of the children by their parents

(b) The excessive of anxieties given by the parents to their children

(c) The over-protection of children given by the parents

(d) All of the above

Ans: (d)

325. Which one of the following is not associated with social development in children?

(a) Gang Formation

(b) Formation of sex groups

(c) Desire for social acceptance in children.

(d) Attraction towards girls in boys

Ans: (d)

326. Who among the following scientists is very famous for making contributions in the field of individual psychology?

(a) Freeman

(b) Thorndike

(c) Galton

(d) Young

Ans: (c)

327. In the pre-primary school system, the criterion of a small child’s adjustment is—

(a) He takes his own care and fulfills his needs.

(b) He remains happy with his social constraints.

(c) Tendency to play in separate groups.

(d) Development of independence among the children

Ans: (d)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

328. When your children are passing through adolescence what type of attitude, do you want to keep towards them?

(a) You feel more comfortable that your children are able to independent decisions

(b) You feel comfortable when adolescents tell their decisions to you and all the pros and cons should be discussed in advance.

(c) You feel comfortable when you take all the decisions on behalf of your adolescents.

(d) You feel comfortable when pi] think that the decisions of young children should not be influenced by the parents up to great extent.

Ans: (c)

329. The one advantage which gets through the study of individual differences is—

(a) The size of the classroom is shrinking

(b) The responsibility of the teachers is enhanced to a great extent

(c) The teacher has reduced their workload.

(d) Both the A. and B.

Ans: (d)

330. The best controlling powers of emotionality are displayed by-

(a) Gifted children

(b) Mentally retarded

(c) Physically powerful children

(d) Backward children

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

331. According to Bridges, the development of all emotions takes place in children in the age group of –

(a) Two years

(b) Three years

(c) Four years

(d) Five years

Ans: (b)

332. Army Alfa and Army Beta tests are—

(a) Personality tests

(b) Intelligence test

(c) Imagination tests

(d) Memory tests

Ans: (b)

333. Which school of psychology is associated with the name of Sigmund Freud?

(a) Hypnotism

(b) Gestaltism

(c) Psychoanalysis

(d) Behaviourism 

Ans: (c)

334. In Education M.A. means—

(a) Mind Age

(b) Master of Arts

(c) Mental Age

(d) None of the above

Ans: (c)

335. Gang Loyalty is one of the characteristics of –

(a) Infancy

(b) childhood

(c) Adolescence

(d) Adulthood

Ans: (b)

336. C.A. means—

(a) Chartered Accountant

(b) Chronological Age

(c) Captain of Army

(d) All of the above

Ans: (b)

337. Imitativeness is a characteristic of –

(a) childhood

(b) Adulthood

(c) Adolescence

(d) Infancy

Ans: (d)

338. The questioning age indicates the intellectual development of the-

(a) Infancy

(b) childhood

(c) Adolescence

(d) Adulthood

Ans: (a)

339. The term hygiene originated from—

(a) Greek term ‘Hugieine’

(b) Latin term ‘Hugieine’

(c) English term ‘Hugieine

(d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

340. Sigmund Freud was an—

(a) Indian psychologist

(b) Australian psychologist

(c) Russian psychologist

(d) Pakistani psychologist

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

341. Hygeia was a—

(a) Greek Goddess

(b) Latin Goddess

(c) US Goddess

(d) Russian Goddess

Ans: (a)

342. Mental health means—

(a) Mentally free

(b) Mentally illness

(c) Mentally abnormal

(d) Absence of mental illness

Ans: (d)

343. Which one of the following is not the function of mental hygiene?

(a) Preventive

(b) Psychiatrist

(c) Curative

(d) Preservative

Ans: (b)

344. Mental hygiene helps to know the

(a) Causes of mental disorders

(b) Causes of mental disturbances

(c) None o the A and B

(d) Both of A and B

Ans: (d)

345. The primary emotion of a child is not –

(a) Fear

(b) Escape

(c) Anger

(d) Joy

Ans: (b)

346. I. Q. means—

(a) MA/CA  100%

(b) CA/MA  100%

(c) MA/Ca + 100%

(d) CA/MA + 100%

Ans: (a)

337. Generally, children are in a state of anxiety during their childhood for –

(a) Scolding by parents

(b) School going

(c) Homework given by School Teachers

(d) Future programs and their implementation

Ans: (d)

348. Which one of the following qualities are essentially developed during childhood?

(a) Roaming tendencies

(b) Playing tendencies

(c) Reading and studying tendencies

(d) All the above

Ans: (d)

349. The basic needs of infants are –

(a) Physical need

(b) Need of Love

(c) Need of freedom

(d) All the above

Ans: (d)

350. Individual differences are originated due to-

(a) Environment and Habit pattern

(b) Heredity and Interest

(c) Heredity and Environment

(d) Heredity and Habit pattern

Ans: (c)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

351. The factor responsible for the individual difference is-

(a) Environment

(b) Heredity

(c) Family

(d) School

Ans: (b)

352. The meaning of individual differences are-

(a) Similarities between any two persons

(b) Dissimilarities between any two persons

(c) Uniformity of personality in all human beings

(d) None of the above

Ans: (b)

353. “Habit is man’s second nature”— Statement was given by—

(a) John Dewey

(b) Percy Nunn

(c) James

(d) Thorndike

Ans: (c)

354. The physical development is not associated with-

(a) Head and Brain

(b) Bones

(c) Body weight

(d) Blood circulation

Ans: (d)

355. Mental differences are related to-

(a) The instincts

(b) The learning differences

(c) The intellectual development

(d) Teaching-Learning

Ans: (d)

356. Emotions are the associative experience of-

(a) Instincts

(b) Habits

(c) Reflexes

(d) Memory

Ans: (a)

357. The word ‘Interest’ has been derived from—

(a) Greek

(b) Italian

(c) French

(d) Latin

Ans: (d)

358. The word ‘Interest’ means—

(a) It helps or it provides

(b) It observes or examines

(c) It matters or it concerns

(d) It encourages or inspires

Ans: (c)

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359. Interest is divided into —

(a) Two types

(b) Three types

(c) Four types

(d) Five types

Ans: (a)

360. The interest which is developed through education and training is called—

(a) Inborn interest

(b) Innate interest.

(c) Acquired interest

(d) Instinctive interest

Ans: (c)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

361. In emotion, the mind acts upon-

(a) The Brain

(b) The body

(c) The spinal cord

(d) Blood circulation

Ans: (b)

362. The instinct of appeal is accompanied by emotion-

(a) Lust

(b) Anger

(c) Distress

(d) Appetite

Ans: (c)

363. The feeling of ownership is the accompanying emotion of –

(a) Laughter

(b) Acquisition

(c) Curiosity

(d) Acquisition

Ans: (d)

364. The sublimation of emotion is-

(a) possible

(b) not possible

(c) impossible

(d) abnormal

Ans: (a)

365. The Great Psychologist Mc Dugall had classified emotion into-

(a) Two types

(b) Three types

(c) Four types

(d) Five types

Ans: (b)

366. There are three basic emotions of children, such as fear, anger, and love. Who identified these three basic emotions of children?

(a) James Ross

(b) Rousseau

(c) MC Dougal

(d) Watson.

Ans: (d)

367. Emotion has a close relationship with-

(a) Body

(b) Society

(c) Family

(d) School

Ans: (a)

368. The emotional life of an individual is by nature very-

(a) Strong

(b) Delicate

(c) Weak

(d) Irritating

Ans: (b)

369. Acquired interest is also called—

(a) Permanent interest

(b) Temporary interest

(c) Emotional interest

(d) Instinctive interest

Ans: (b)

370. Acquired interest may continue—

(a) Up to childhood

(b) Up to adolescence

(c) Up to adulthood

(d) Throughout life

Ans: (d)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

371. Habits are—

(a) Innate behaviour

(b) Acquired behaviour

(c) Artificial behaviour

(d) All of the above

Ans: (b)

372. Habit is merely a descriptive term denoting the repetition of similar actions in similar circumstances”—The statement was given by—

(a) John Dewey

(b) Mc. Dougall

(c) Rousseau

(d) Percy Nunn

Ans: (a)

373. “Interest is latent attention and attention is interest in action”—This was stated by—

(a) Mc. Dougall

(b) J. B. Watson

(c) James Ross

(d) John Dewey

Ans: (a)

374. The interest of males and females are—

(a) Same

(b) Not the same

(c) Opposite to each other

(d) Completely contrast

Ans: (b)

375. Interest is a/an—

(a) Individual affair

(b) Group affair

(c) Social affair

(d) Family affair

Ans: (a)

376. In the absence of attention and interest, learning is bound to be—

(a) Effective

(b) Ineffective

(c) Productive

(d) Attractive

Ans: (b)

377. Habit actions are always —

(a) Novel

(b) Different

(c) Demanding attention

(d) Uniform

Ans: (d)

378. Habitual action can be done—

(a) very easily

(b) with great efforts

(c) with the help of other

(d) with the help of a trainer.

Ans: (a)

379. Habit action is always—

(a) Artificial

(b) Natural

(c) Wonderful

(d) Mechanical

Ans: (d)

380. “Habit is man’s second nature”— Statement was given by—

(a) John Dewey

(b) Percy Nunn

(c) James

(d) Thorndike

Ans: (c)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

381. As habit becomes older, it becomes—

(a) Poorer

(b) Weaker

(c) Stronger

(d) Dearer

Ans: (c)

382. Which of the following is the regulator of higher education?


(b) UGC


(d) MHRD

Ans: (b)

83. The main government body at the tertiary level of education in India is______.


(b) CBSE

(c) UGC


Ans: (c)

384. The Government established the University Grants Commission by an act of Parliament in the year________.

(a) 1980

(b) 1950

(c) 1948

(d) 1956

Ans: (d)

385. The idea of the Four Pillars of Education was suggested by__________.


(b) NCTE

(c) UGC


Ans: (d)

386. The name of the plan to increase enrolment in higher education institutions is__________.

(a) Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA)

(b) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

387. Which of the following agency put forward the concept of a proactive university?

(a) UNDP



(d) UGC

Ans: (c)

388. Which of the following commissions recommended setting up UGC and is also known as the University Education Commission?

(a) Radhakrishnan commission

(b) Mudaliar commission

(c) Wardha commission

(d) Kothari commission

Ans: (a)

389. Which of the following committee’s reports is titled an education and national development report?

(a) Radhakrishnan commission

(b) Kothari commission

(c) Mudaliar commission report (d) None of the above

Ans: (b)

390. The national Committee on the 10 + 2 + 3 education structure set up in 1972 was headed by_______.

(a) Dr. P. D. Shukla

(b) Dr. D. S. Kothari

(c) Dr. Radhakrishnan’

(d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

391. The following commissions were set up by the government or its agencies after independence. Arrange the following in chronological order (in terms of their Occurrence).

I. University Education Commission

II. Secondary Education Commission

III. Education Commission


(a) III, II and I

(b) I, Il and III

(c) II, I and III

(d) I, III and II

Ans: (b)

392. Which among the following constitute the majority of institutions within the university system?

(a) Central Universities

(c) Deemed universities

(b) State Universities

(d) Private universities

Ans: (b)

393. Enrolments within the university system_________.

(a) Central Universities

(c) Deemed universities

(b) State Universities

(d) Private universities

Ans: (b)

394. Which of the following committees recommended the spending of Rs. 500 crores to be spent on research in basic sciences every year by UGC every year?

(a) M. M. Sharma committee

(b) Kakodkar committee

(c) Prof. Yashpal committee

(d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

395. Destiny of India is being shaped in her classroom’. This is stated in________.

(a) National Policy on Education (1986)

(b) National Knowledge Commission (2005)

(c) Education Commission (1964-66)

(d) University Education Commission (1948-49)

Ans: (c)

396. CHEER stands for________ .

(a) Children’s Enrichment Education through Radio

(b) Child health education electronic recording

(c) Children for Engineers and Energy Requirement

(d) None of the Above

Ans: (a)

397. Universities having a central campus for imparting education are called_________.

(a) Central Universities

(b) Deemed University 

(c) Residential universities

(d) Open universities

Ans: (b)

398. Which of the following agencies provides funding to Indira Gandhi National Open University?

(a) University Grants Commission

(b) Ministry of Human Resource Development

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

Ans: (b)

399. Which of the following pairs of authorities are at the top of the hierarchy in the case of a Central University?

(a) Visitors and Chancellor

(b) Visitors and Vice-Chancellor

(c) Chancellor and Vice Chancellor

(d) Vice President and Vice Chancellors

Ans: (a)

400. The university that telecasts interactive educational programs through its own channel is_______.

(a) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad


(c) University of Pune

(d) Annamalai University

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

401. The state with most universities is_______.

(a) Tamil Nadu

(b) Rajasthan

(c) Andhra Pradesh

(d) Uttar Pradesh

Ans: (a)

402. The state with the most deemed universities is_______. 

(a) Tamil Nadu

(b) Maharashtra

(c) Andhra Pradesh

(d) Karnataka

Ans: (a)

403. The main purpose of Navodaya Vidyalayas is to give education to

(a) Rural talented students

(b) Urban students

(c) Girls students only

(d) Rural students

Ans: (a)

404. The idea of the Four Pillars of Education was suggested by



(c) NCTE

(d) UGC

Ans: (b)

405. The selection Test for admission to the teacher training program was suggested by

(a) NCTE

(b) NAAC



Ans: (c)

406. Inclusive education is about

(a) making provision for all children

(b) welcoming and celebrating diversity

(c) both (A) and (B) are true

(d) none of the above

Ans: (a)

407. NCTE was established by an act of Parliament in

(a) 1975

(b) 1995

(c) 1996

(d) 1986

Ans: (b)

408. In which country the first Open University was established in the world?

(a) U.S.A.

(b) U.K.

(c) India

(d) Australia

Ans: (b)

409. Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation in school education was started by

(a) CBSE

(b) UGC



Ans: (a)

410. Equality of Educational opportunities is possible by

(a) Extending portals of educational institutions to all without any discrimination

(b) Opening more educational institutions

(c) Privatizing the education system in the country

(d) Public funding of Education

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

411. The Right to Education Act recently passed by our Parliament is an extension of the following article of our Constitution

(a) 13

(b) 15

(c) 45

(d) 55

Ans: (a)

412. The title of the Report of Education Commission (1964-66) is

(a) Learning without Burden

(b) An Enlightened and Humane Society

(c) Education and the People of India

(d) Education and National Development

Ans: (d)

413. The principal function of the NCERT is an extension work with the State Education departments centering around the improvement of

(a) higher education

(b) school education

(c) secondary education

(d) technical education

Ans: (b)

414. The internship Programme of teacher education provides

(a) Content courses

(b) Practical courses

(c) Complete school environment

(d) Research courses

Ans: (c)

415. Which is the following agency regulates and monitors special education programme in India?

(a) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

(b) Ministry of Human Resource and Development

(c) Rehabilitation Council of India

(d) National Council of Teacher Education

Ans: (c)

416. I.A.S.Es in teacher education was started in

(a) 1964

(b) 1968

(c) 1986

(d) 1992

Ans: (d)

417. The International Institute of Educational Planning is at

(a) London

(b) Paris

(c) New York

(d) New Delhi

Ans: (b) 0 0 0.

MCQs on Indian Education Policies 4

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