MS PowerPoint Basics


MS PowerPoint Basics

MS PowerPoint Basics

MS PowerPoint Basics

Creating a Simple Presentation: 

Open a New Slideshow 

1. Open PowerPoint 

2. Go to the View menu and select the Task Pane. The Task Pane will open on the right of the slide view. 

3. At the top of the Task Pane, click Getting Started. A popup menu will appear. From the drop-down menu select Slide Layout. 

4. A selection of slide designs will appear, select the Title Slide.

MS PowerPoint Basics 

Editing Text on a Slide

When the PowerPoint is opened the Title page automatically appears. Place the cursor in Click to add Title Text box and add the title of your presentation. 

Click on the title text–A text box will appear. 

Edit the title text. 

Adding a New Slide 

1. Go to Insert menu and select New Slide. A layout menu will appear. 

2. Choose the type of slide you want to add. 

3. Enter text into the pre-set text areas. 

Adding a Text Box to a slide- 

1. Go to Insert > Text Box 

2. Click where you want the upper left corner of the box to be. 

3. Hold and drag to the right until the desired width is obtained. 

4. Enter your text. 

5. The box will expand downward as you type. Drag the handles if you want to adjust the width of the textbook.

MS PowerPoint Basics 

Showing slides from a Computer 

If you are showing slides from a computer complete the following steps: 

1. Open the slideshow file in PowerPoint 

2. From the Menu bar select Slide Show > View Show. 

Use the arrow keys to move between slides Right to go forward, Left to go back. 

Press the Alt key + Tab to switch between the presentation, the slide editing view, and other programs or files. 

3. Press the Esc key to end the presentation. 

Inserting Images on a Slide 

1. Adjust the size of images based on inches. (at least 96 ppi-higher if the slides will be printed.) 10 in. wide x 7.5 in. tall will fill the screen. 

2. Save images as JPG or GIF 

3. Select Insert > Picture > from file …. 

4. The image will appear on the slide.

MS PowerPoint Basics 

Inserting Graphs in PowerPoint 

PowerPoint’s Graphing Tool- 

You can add data to a Graph chart by typing directly in the table of data associated with the chart, called a ‘datasheet’. You can also copy and paste data from another program (such as Excel) into the datasheet. By embedding an Excel chart or linking to data files in other programs, you can change the graph in the presentation by changing the data in the original file.  

Importing Graphs from Excel 

1. In Excel, select the chart you want to add a PowerPoint presentation and then click Copy. 

2. Open PowerPoint, then go to slide in which you want to insert the chart. 

3. Select – Edit. 

4. Do anyone of the following: 

To paste the chart as a picture click Picture. 

To paste the chart as an embedded object so that you can edit in Excel, click Microsoft Excel Chart Object. 

(If you want to edit the chart now double-click the chart to edit it in Excel)

MS PowerPoint Basics 

Adding Audio to Presentations: 

Playing tracks from a Compact Disc: 

1. Insert an audio CD. 

2. Go to the slide where you want the sound to begin. 

3. Select Insert > Movies and Sound > Play CD Audio Track. 

4. Choose the appropriate setting such as looping volume, etc. according to your desire. 

Inserting an MP3 File: 

1. Place the MP3 files in the same folder as your presentation. Keep the MP3 and the presentation file together and copy them together whenever you move the presentation. 

2. Go to the slide where you want the sound to begin. 

3. Select Insert > Movies and Sounds > Sound from file …… 

4. Choose the MP3 file you want using the Insert Sound dialogue, click OK. 

5. Choose the appropriate options to set the sound to play automatically or when clicked. 

6. An icon will appear in the centre of the slide. You can move this file elsewhere on the slide. If this icon is deleted the audio from the presentation will also be deleted.  

Adding Video to Presentations 

Using the Correct Video File Format 

For Video to work in PowerPoint, the video file should be in a compatible file format and saved using a compatible ‘codec’ (compression scheme). 

MS PowerPoint Basics 

Inserting a Video File 

1. Keep the video files in the same folder as your presentation. Keep the video file and the presentation file together and copy them together whenever you move the presentation. 

2. Go to the slide where you want the video to play. 

3. Select Insert > Movies and Sounds > Video from file … 

4. FInd the video file you want using the Insert Video dialog, click OK. 

5. Choose the appropriate options to edit the video to play automatically or when clicked. 

6. A box will pop up in the centre of the slide. If you delete this box the audio is also deleted from the presentation. 

7. If you wish the video to play full screen, right-click on the box and select ‘Edit Movie Object’ and Check ‘Zoom to Full Screen’.

MS PowerPoint Basics

Animations in PowerPoint: 

Simple Animation using Multiple Slides 

The easiest way to create an animation in PowerPoint is to duplicate a slide and change only a few features of the image (moving an element, changing a colour, adding a label;, etc.) When you advance the slide, it will appear to animate. 

Slide Transition Effects 

You can apply special transition effects that cause the new slide to fade or move into position.

To add transition effects: 

1. Open the slide where you wish the transition to appear. 

2. Select Slide Show > Slide Transitions 

3. From the “Slide Transition” menu choose a transition. 

4. Choose appropriate controls for timing, sound and advance (manual or auto) and set accordingly. 

On-Slide Animations 

Individual elements of a slide can be set to move when clicked or as part of a sequence. 

To add animation schemes: 

1. Select the object within the slide that you want to animate. 

2. Select Slide Show > Animation Schemes. 

3. From the ‘Animation Schemes’ menu choose an animation. 

4. Click play to preview the animation. 0 0 0

MS PowerPoint Basics

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