One Word Substitution 3
One Word Substitution 3
One Word Substitution 3
Q. Choose the single-word substitution of the given sentence or phrase from the options.
201. A place where bees are kept is called
(a) An apiary
(b) A mole
(c) A sanctuary
(d) A hive
Ans: (a)
202. One who sacrifices his life for a cause
(a) Patriot
(b) Martyr
(c) Revolutionary
(d) Soldier
Ans: (b). One Word Substitution 3
203. A child born after the death of his father
(a) Posthumous
(b) Orphan
(c) Bastard
(d) Progenitor
Ans: (a)
204. Study of the evolution of man as an animal
(a) Archaeology
(b) Antique
(c) Chronology
(d) Ethnology
Ans: (d)
205. A person who brings goods illegally into the country
(a) Importer
(b) Exporter
(c) Fraud
(d) Smuggler
Ans: (d)
206. To accustom oneself to a foreign climate
(a) Adapt
(b) Accustom
(c) Acclimatise
(d) Adopt
Ans: (c). One Word Substitution 3
207. A person interested in reading books and nothing else
(a) Bookkeeper
(b) Scholar
(c) Bookworm
(d) Student
Ans: (c)
208. The act of setting free from the bondage of any kind
(a) eradication
(b) indemnity
(c) emancipation
(d) emigration
Ans: (c)
209. That which cannot be corrected
(a) Unintelligible
(b) Incorrigible
(c) Illegible
(d) Indelible
Ans: (b)
210. A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge
(a) Pedantic
(b) Verbose
(c) Pompous
(d) Ornate
Ans: (a)
211. One who has little faith in human sincerity and goodness
(a) Egoist
(b) Fatalist
(c) Stoic
(d) Cynic
Ans: (d)
212. A person who forsakes religion:
(a) Apostle
(b) Apotheosis
(c) Renegade
(d) Charlatan
Ans: (c). One Word Substitution 3
213. The part of government which is concerned with making of rules
(a) Court
(b) Tribunal
(c) Legislature
(d) Bar
Ans: (c)
214. One who is in charge of a museum
(a) Curator
(b) Supervisor
(c) Caretaker
(d) Warden
Ans: (a)
215. Of outstanding significance
(a) Monumental
(b) Rational
(c) Ominous
(d) Evident
Ans: (a). One Word Substitution 3
216. One who believes that all things and events in life are predetermined is a
(a) Fatalist
(b) Puritan
(c) Egoist
(d) Tyrant
Ans: (a)
217. List of headings of the business to be transacted at a meeting
(a) Schedule
(b) Agenda
(c) Proceedings
(d) Excerpts
Ans: (b)
218. One who despises persons of lower social position
(a) Prim
(b) Snob
(c) Prig
(d) Aristocrat
Ans: (b)
219. A small house with all rooms on one floor
(a) Bungalow
(b) Cottage
(c) Flat
(d) Castle
Ans: (a)
220. The short remaining end of a cigarette
(a) Stump
(b) Stub
(c) Rag
(d) Scrap
Ans: (b). One Word Substitution 3
221. Having superior intellectual interests and tastes
(a) Elite
(b) Highbrow
(c) Sophisticated
(d) Fastidious
Ans: (b)
222. To mediate between two parties in a dispute
(a) Interfere
(b) Interact
(c) Interrupt
(d) Intercede
Ans: (d)
223. A government by the nobles
(a) Aristocracy
(b) Democracy
(c) Bureaucracy
(d) Autocracy
Ans: (a). One Word Substitution 3
224. Something that relates to everyone in the world
(a) General
(b) Common
(c) Usual
(d) Universal
Ans: (d)
225. To cause troops, etc. to spread out in readiness for battle
(a) Disperse
(b) Deploy
(c) Collocate
(d) Align
Ans: (b)
226. A fixed orbit in space in relation to the earth
(a) Geological
(b) Geo-synchronous
(c) Geocentric
(d) Geo-stationary
Ans: (d). One Word Substitution 3
227. To walk with slow and regular Steps
(a) Limp
(b) Stride
(c) Pace
(d) Advance
Ans: (c)
228. A voice loud enough to be heard
(a) Applaudable
(b) Applaud
(c) Laudable
(d) Oral
Ans: (c)
229. Claim or prove that an accusation is false
(a) Criticise
(b) Rebuff
(c) Reprimand
(d) Rebut
Ans: (d). One Word Substitution 3
230. A style full of words
(a) Verbose
(b) Pedantic
(c) Rhetorical
(d) Abundant
Ans: (a)
231. Strong and settled dislike between two persons
(a) Benevolence
(b) Apathy
(c) Antipathy
(d) Goodwill
Ans: (c)
232. A person who believes that pleasure is the chief thing of life
(a) Stoic
(b) Hedonist
(c) Epicure
(d) Sensual
Ans: (b)
233. Bringing about painless death from an incurable disease
(a) Suicide
(b) Euphoria
(c) Gallows
(d) Euthanasia
Ans: (d)
234. Government by a single person
(a) Monarchy
(b) Autocracy
(c) Plutocracy
(d) Aristocracy
Ans: (b)
235. Large scale departure of people
(a) Migration
(b) Emigration
(c) Immigration
(d) Exodus
Ans: (d)
236. The policy of extending a country’s empire and influence
(a) Communism
(b) Capitalism
(c) Internationalism
(d) Imperialism
Ans: (d). One Word Substitution 3
237. To express vehement verbal protest
(a) Languish
(b) Animate
(c) Fulminate
(d) Invigorate
Ans: (c)
238. One who forcibly seizes control of a bus
(a) Pirate
(b) Swindler
(c) Hijacker
(d) Pilferer
Ans: (a)
239. Mania for talking
(a) Logomania
(b) Pyromania
(c) Bibliomania
(d) Talkmania
Ans: (a). One Word Substitution 3
240. Child bereaved of one or both the parents
(a) Desolate
(b) Destitute
(c) Orphan
(d) Lout
Ans: (c)
241. A person who does not believe in any religion
(a) Philatelist
(b) Rationalist
(c) Atheist
(d) Pagan
Ans: (d)
242. A short amusing story about a real person
(a) Anecdote
(b) Antidote
(c) Tale
(d) Allegory
Ans: (a)
243. To cause troops etc. to spread out in readiness for battle
(a) Align
(b) Collocate
(c) Deploy
(d) Disperse
Ans: (c). One Word Substitution 3
244. Part of a church in which bells hang
(a) Minaret
(b) Chapel
(c) Belfry
(d) Spire
Ans: (c)
245. Voluntarily giving up throne by a king in favour of his son
(a) Abdication
(b) Align
(c) Accession
(d) Resign
Ans: (a). One Word Substitution 3
246. Music sung or played at night below a person’s window
(a) Serenade
(b) Sonnet
(c) Lyric
(d) Primo
Ans: (a). One Word Substitution 3
247. An extremely deep opening in the ground
(a) Chasm
(b) Aperture
(c) Ditch
(d) Pit
Ans: (a). One Word Substitution 3
248. A man of lax moral
(a) Ruffian
(b) Licentious
(c) Pirate
(d) Vagabond
Ans: (b). One Word Substitution 3
249. A light sailing boat for racing
(a) Canoe
(b) Yacht
(c) Frigate
(d) Dinghy
Ans: (a). One Word Substitution 3
250. A government by the nobles
(a) Democracy
(b) Autocracy
(c) Bureaucracy
(d) Aristocracy
Ans: (d). One Word Substitution 3
251. One who always runs away from danger
(a) Escapist
(b) Timid
(c) Brave
(d) Shirker
Ans: (b). One Word Substitution 3
252. A small enclosure for cattle, sheep, poultry etc.
(a) Cellar
(b) Sty
(c) Pen
(d) Lair
Ans: (c). One Word Substitution 3
253. A person who has no money to pay off his debts
(a) Debtor
(b) Pauper
(c) Beggar
(a) Insolvent
Ans: (a)
254. A song embodying religious and sacred emotions
(a) Lyric
(b) Ode
(c) Hymn
(d) Ballad
Ans: (c)
255. Gradual recovery from illness
(a) Convalescence
(b) Amnesia
(c) Superannuation
(d) Hysteria
Ans: (a)
256. Wicked to a high degree
(a) Cruel
(b) Hateful
(c) Abominable
(d) Heinous
Ans: (d). One Word Substitution 3
257. One who cannot be moved by entreaties
(a) Impregnable
(b) Inexorable
(c) Inexplicable
(d) Infallible
Ans: (b)
258. A workman who fits and repairs pipes
(a) Mechanic
(b) Blacksmith
(c) Plumber
(d) Technocrat
Ans: (c). One Word Substitution 3
259. To send a foreigner out of the country
(a) Exclude
(b) Ostracise
(c) Deport
(d) Expatriate
Ans: (c). One Word Substitution 3
260. A person who is against the standards of society in dressing
(a) Joker
(b) Hippy
(c) Scapegoat
(d) Butt
Ans: (b)
261. A gift left by will
(a) Alimony
(b) Patrimony
(c) Legacy
(d) Property
Ans: (c)
262. The act of killing one’s wife
(a) Genocide
(b) Uxoricide
(c) Canicide
(d) Avicide
Ans: (b). One Word Substitution 3
263. The practice of a married woman having an extra-marital relationship
(a) Polygamy
(b) Puberty
(c) Lechery
(d) Adultery
Ans: (d). One Word Substitution 3
264. A process involving too much official formality
(a) Bureaucracy
(b) Diplomacy
(c) Red-tapism
(d) Nepotism
Ans: (c)
265. Anything written in a letter after it is signed
(a) Corrigendum
(b) Postdiction
(c) Postscript
(d) Posterity
Ans: (c)
266. The place where public, government or historical records are kept
(a) Coffer
(b) Pantry
(c) Scullery
(d) Archives
Ans: (d). One Word Substitution 3
267. A woman who offers the use of her body for sexual intercourse to anyone who will pay for this
(a) Voluptuary
(b) Cuckold
(c) Prostitute
(d) Concubine
Ans: (c)
268. An entertainer who performs difficult physical actions
(a) Clown
(b) Gymnast
(c) Magician
(d) Acrobat
Ans: (b). One Word Substitution 3
269. Lottery in which an article is assigned by lot to one of those buying tickets
(a) Auction
(b) Raffle
(c) Audit
(d) Transit
Ans: (b). One Word Substitution 3
270. An office or post with no work but high pay
(a) Honorary
(b) Sinecure (c) Gratis
(d) Ex-officio
Ans: (b)
271. Mental weariness for want of occupation
(a) Fatigue
(b) Ennui
(c) Languor
(d) Debility
Ans: (b). One Word Substitution 3
272. A person who believes that God is everything and everything is god
(a) Agnostic
(b) Theist
(c) Pantechnicon
(d) Pantheist
Ans: (d). One Word Substitution 3
273. The foolish belief that one is god
(a) Blasphemy
(b) Theocracy
(c) Paranoia
(d) Theomania
Ans: (d). One Word Substitution 3
274. A poem written on the death of someone loved and lost
(a) Ode
(b) Epic
(c) Sonnet
(d) Elegy
Ans: (d)
275. Acutely affected by external impressions
(a) Ingenious
(b) Credulous
(c) Impressionable
(d) Sensitive
Ans: (d). One Word Substitution 3
276. A girl or woman who flirts and tries to attract people
(a) Prostitute
(b) Coquette
(c) Spinster
(d) Concubine
Ans: (b). One Word Substitution 3
277. A child of unusual talent
(a) Scholar
(b) Diligent
(c) Freak
(d) Prodigy
Ans: (d)
278. A person who rules without consulting the opinion of others
(a) Democrat
(b) Bureaucrat
(c) Autocrat
(d) Fanatic
Ans: (c)
279. A story in which ideas are symbolised as people
(a) Allegory
(b) Fable
(c) Legend
(d) Parable
Ans: (a). One Word Substitution 3
280. One who appreciates beauty in nature, art and literature
(a) Critic
(b) Aesthete
(c) Connoisseur
(d) Artist
Ans: (b)
281. A person who brings an action at law
(a) Plaintiff
(b) Litigant
(c) Deponent
(d) Defendant
Ans: (a). One Word Substitution 3
282. A person who regards the whole world as his country
(a) Metropolitan
(b) Nationalist
(c) Cosmopolitan
(d) Patriot
Ans: (c)
283. A person obsessed with one idea or subject
(a) Crazy
(b) Kleptomaniac
(c) Monomaniac
(d) Nymphomaniac
Ans: (c)
284. To change shape, nature or substance
(a) Modulate
(b) Substitute
(c) Remodel
(d) Transmute
Ans: (d). One Word Substitution 3
285. A person who kills somebody, especially for political reasons
(a) Criminal
(b) Murderer
(c) Assassin
(d) Hangman
Ans: (c). One Word Substitution 3
286. Mania for travel
(a) Dromomania
(b) Logomania
(c) Bibliomania
(d) Pyromania
Ans: (a). One Word Substitution 3
287. A witty, clever retort
(a) Sarcasm
(b) Repartee
(c) Platitude
(d) Invective
Ans: (b)
288. Language difficult to understand because of bad form
(a) Rhetoric
(b) Jargon
(c) Pedantic
(d) Verbatim
Ans: (b)
289. Opposed to great or sudden change
(a) Revolutionary
(b) Static
(c) Conservative
(d) Rebel
Ans: (c)
290. A remark with a moral
(a) Dialogue
(b) Platitude
(c) Epigram
(d) Statement
Ans: (b). One Word Substitution 3
291. A man with prejudiced views against religion
(a) Orthodox
(b) Bigot
(c) Fanatic
(d) Profane
Ans: (d)
292. A large amount of money received unexpectedly
(a) Fortune
(b) Windfall
(c) Breakthrough
(d) Boon
Ans: (b). One Word Substitution 3
293. Stealing from the writings of others
(a) Copying
(b) Reframing
(c) Reproducing
(d) Plagiarism
Ans: (a). One Word Substitution 3
294. Which can be easily believed
(a) Credulous
(b) Creditable
(c) Trustworthy
(d) Credible
Ans: (d)
295. A person with a beautiful and elegant handwriting
(a) Calligrapher
(b) Collier
(c) Choreographer
(d) Clerk
Ans: (a)
296. Study of births, deaths, disease of a community
(a) Anthropology
(b) Geography
(c) Demography
(d) Topography
Ans: (c)
297. A place where a fierce wild animal lives
(a) Forest
(b) Stable
(c) Lair
(d) Sanctuary
Ans: (c). One Word Substitution 3
298. Medicine that lessens pain
(a) Balm
(b) Panacea
(c) Anodyne
(d) Antibiotic
Ans: (c)
299. One who takes delight inflicting cruelty in sexual activities
(a) Anarchist
(b) Sophist
(c) Sadist
(d) Nihilist
Ans: (c)
300. One who cuts precious stones
(a) Philatelist
(b) Drover
(c) Lapidist
(d) Oculist
Ans: (c) 0 0 0
One Word Substitution 3
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