The Tale of Melon City | Question Solutions


The Tale of Melon City | Question Solutions

The Tale of Melon City

The Tale of Melon City Question Solutions

The Tale of Melon City Question Solutions

– Vikram Seth

The Tale of Melon City Question Solutions


Q.1. Narrate ‘The Tale of Melon City’ in your own words.

Ans: Long ago there was a king. One day he ordered the minister to build an arch as a token of victory. In time the arch was built but it was too low. When the king was passing under the arch his crown was banged off. The king became furious and feeling disgrace upon him, he ordered the chief builder to be hanged for that disgrace.  But the chief builder put the blame on the workmen.  Then the king ordered the workmen to be hanged.  But the workmen blamed the wrong size of the bricks. Then the brickmaker was called for. He put the blame on the architect. The architect said that he made the right plan but the king made some amendments for which the arch was built low. The king being confused called in the wisest man of the city who said that the arch was itself guilty. And it must be hanged. But a counsellor said that it would be shameful to hang something that had touched the king’s head. To satisfy the crowd of people around the scaffold the king ordered that someone must be hanged. Then the king was hanged by his own decree. After this, the people of the state made a melon for their king.

Q.2. What impression do you form of a state where the king was ‘just and placid’?

Ans: The poet has satirised the king as well as the people of a state which was ruled by a just and placid king. But in truth, he was a fool. He could not take an independent decision. He was whimsical and fickle-minded.

No doubt the king was just but he could do no justice. He changed his decision but being influenced by the mood of people he got himself hanged.

As was the king so was his subjects and ministers. After the king was hanged the people of the state made a melon their king. It made no difference to them if their king was a man or a melon. In such a state none can get justice.

Q.3. How according to you peace and liberty be maintained in a state?

Ans: Peace and liberty can be maintained by justice and honesty in ruling a state. Without justice everything is vain. Because nothing but only justice can store peace, equality, brotherhood and liberty. In order to impart justice, the administering machinery of a state must be judicious and wise. The king or ruler should not be swayed by

the mood of the people but by the law and justice of the state. In other words, to say, a proper balance of justice, punishment, maintenance of proper law, order, equality, the fraternity can ensure the peace and liberty of a state.

Q.4. Suggest a few instances in the poem which highlight humour and irony.

Ans: The poem entitled ‘The Tale of a Melon City’ by Vikram Seth is humorous and ironic. It satirizes not only the king but also the people of the state. The whole story is humorous and ironic, as:

When the king was passing under the arch his crown was banged off. The king became furious and feeling disgrace upon him he ordered the chief builder to be hanged for that disgrace. But the chief builder put the blame on the workmen.  Then the king ordered the workmen to be hanged.  But the workmen blamed the wrong size of the bricks. Then the brickmaker was called for. He put the blame on the architect. The architect said that he made the right plan but the king made some amendments for which the arch was built low. The king being confused called in the wisest man of the city who said that the arch was itself guilty. And it must be hanged. But a counsellor said that it would be shameful to hang something that had touched the king’s head. To satisfy the crowd of people around the scaffold the king ordered that someone must be hanged. Then the king was hanged by his own decree.

After the king was hanged the people of the state made a melon their king. It made no difference to them if their king was a man or a melon. In such a state none can get justice. 0 0 0.

The Tale of Melon City Question Solutions

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