MCQs on English Grammar 4


MCQs on English Grammar 4

MCQs on English Grammar 4

MCQs on English Grammar 4

MCQs on English Grammar 4

Q. Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below each question.

301. He forbade us ————— enter the house.

(A) not to

(B) to

(C) do not

(D) to not

Ans: (B)

302. He has less than I ————— to blame.

(A) is

(B) am

(C) are

(D) have

Ans: (B)

303. Though Bonsai, a well known art form, originated in China, it was ——— by the Japanese.

(A) cultivated

(B) perfected

(C) finished

(D) borrowed

Ans: (B)

304. I beg to differ ———– you ———- the subject.

(A) with, on

(B) to, at

(C) from, in

(D) at, to

Ans: (C)

305. Some students are ———– and want take only  the courses which have immediate value.

(A) theoretical

(B) foolish

(C) pragmatic

(D) indolent

Ans: (C)

306. Never put ——– till tomorrow what you can do today.

(A) of

(B) off

(C) in

(D) before

Ans: (B)

307. I have finished ————— of this book.

(A) three-fourths

(B) three-fourth

(C) three-four part

(D) three fours part

Ans: (B)

308. There is an English proverb which says, “Too many cooks spoil the ———.”

(A) dish

(B) curry

(C) broth

(D) feast

Ans: (C)

309. Bangladesh ———- from Pakistan in 1971

(A) ceded

(B) severed

(C) seceded

(D) succeeded

Ans: (B)

310. There are no secrets between us, she is my —————–.

(A) confident

(B) confidence

(C) confederate

(D) confidante

Ans: (D)

MCQs on English Grammar 4

311. Substitute single word given in the options for the words underlined: 

The Satanic Verses was condemned by certain Muslim clerics because of its  irreverence towards Islam.

(A) anarchism

(B) nepotism

(C) blashphemy

(D) militancy

Ans: (C)

312. Mr. Baruah is a person who is familiar with many different countries. He is a ————-.

(A) an immigrant

(B) a cosmopolitan

(C) an emissary

(D) a usurer

Ans: (B)

313. A  person sent on an official mission is ————.

(A) an emissary

(B) an ambassador

(C) a spy

(D) messenger

Ans: (A)

314. The teacher said to me, “What do you have in your hands? = The teacher asked me ————– in my hands.

(A) If I had

(B) waht I have

(C) what I had had

(D) what I had

Ans: (D)

315. He said to me, “Which do you like better, this or that? = He asked me —— I  liked better.

(A) if this or that

(B) whether that or this

(C) which of the two

(D) whether which of the two

Ans: (C)

316. The judge should ———— by everybody in the court room.

(A) be referred as ‘Your Honour’

(B) be referred to ‘your Honour’ as

(C) be referred to as ‘Your Honour’

(D) be referred ‘your Honour’

Ans: (C)

317. This course —————- giving its participants the power to recognize their  strengths and pursue their aims.

(A) is aimed

(B) aims to

(C) is aimed to

(D) is aimed at

Ans: (B)

318. I can’t ‘endure’ such a loud noise.  Choose the right synonym for the word  ‘endure.’

(A) bear

(B) position

(C) sight

(D) stand

Ans: (A)

319. I feel scared when I looked at the towering buildings. What does the word  ‘towering’ means?

(A) haughty

(B) high

(C) lofty

(D) proud

Ans: (C)

320. Many times great ideas ‘bite the dust’ for want of their proper publicity and projection. What does the phrase ‘bite the dust’ means?

(A) are humiliated

(B) are transferred

(C) are stolen

(D) are killed

Ans: (A)

MCQs on English Grammar 4

321. The team manager and the coach are trying to pass the buck on each other  for the poor performance of their team.  What  does  the underlined phrase mean?

(A) to shirk work

(B) to blame somebody

(C) to quarrel

(D) to shift responsibilities

Ans: (B)

322. He allowed his spiteful feeling to come to a head. What is the meaning of the  underlined phrase?

(A) to burst

(B) to feel giddy

(C) feel impatient

(D) get excited

Ans: (D)

323. The officer always keeps on throwing mud at his assistant. What does the  phrase ‘throw mud’ mean?

(A) He teases him all the time

(B) he allots all the bad work to him

(C) He accuses him wrongly

(D) he throws mud at him out of anger

Ans: (A)

324. Your involvement with undesirable elements is bound to blemish your reputation as an upright man. What is the synonym for the underlined word? 

(A) disfigure

(B) tarnish

(C) mystify

(D) brighten

Ans: (B)

325. ‘The bomb blast mutilated the bodies of the victims.’ Find out the proper meaning of the word ‘mutilate’.

(A) dismantle’

(B) mangle

(C) demolish

(D) annihilate

Ans: (B)

326. In the following sentence you require to find the antonym for the underlined  word.

“He has a morbid fear to dogs.”

(A) unnatural

(B) diseases

(C) terrible

(D) healthy

Ans: (C)

327. Human glory is ephemeral. What is the opposite word for ‘ephemeral’?

(A) fleeting

(B) everlasting

(C) temporary

(D) temporal

Ans: (B)

328. Use appropriate word for the blanks:

“The police ———— to solve the mystery.

(A) is trying

(B) are trying

(C) has been trying

(D) has tried

Ans: (C)

329. The teaching of Muhammad, the prophet brought ———— social enlightenment among the Muslims. Pick the right word to fil in the blank.

(A) about

(B) into

(C) over

(D) with

Ans: (A)

330. Summer has —————– and the days are getting warm.

(A) set out

(B) set off

(C) set up

(D) set in

Ans: (D)

MCQs on English Grammar 4

331. All employees are kindly requested to ———- from smoking in the  presence of customers.

(A) stop

(B) restrain

(C) refrain

(D) restrict

Ans: (C)

332. He would not ———- the details but hinted that he knew who the murderer was.

(A) say

(B) tell

(C) divulge

(D) reveal

Ans: (D)

333. Use your commonsense, —————-.

(A) will you?

(B) won’t you

(C) can’t you?

(D) don’t you?

Ans: (B)

334. A coterie is ———–.

(A) a small group of persons with shared interest

(B) a group of common women.

(C) gathering of spectators.

(D) herd of deer

Ans: (A)

335. A confidant is —————-.

(A) confident

(B) sure

(C) trusted with secrets

(D) definite

Ans: (C)

336. If the following sentence is changed into active voice then it will read like: ”The captive was bound to a tree.”

(A) They bind the captive to a tree.

(B) They bind the captive on a tree.

(C) They bound the captive to a tree.

(D) They were binding the captive on a tree.

Ans: (C)

337. “ I was asked my name.” What is right active form of the sentence.

(A) They asked my name.

(B) They asked me my name.

(C) My name asked by I.

(D) Somebody asked my name.

Ans: (D)

338. If the following sentence is changed to passive voice then it will read like: “We expect good news.”

(A) Good news is expected.

(B) Good news are expected.

(C) Good news are expected by us.

(D) We are expected good news.

Ans: (A)

339. “I will have finished the work by tomorrow.” Find out the correct passive  form of the sentence.

(A) This work will be finished by tomorrow.

(B) This will have been finished by tomorrow.

(C) The work will have been finished by tomorrow.

(D) This work shall be finished tomorrow.

Ans: (C)

340. If the following sentence is changed into indirect narration, it will read like: 

”He said to her, “Don’t read so fast.”

(A) He requested her not to read so fast.

(B) he ordered her not to read so fast.

(C) He told her not to read so fast.

(D) He advised her not to read so fast.

Ans: (D)

MCQs on English Grammar 4

341. Pick out the correct sentence.

(A) This is a news to me.

(B) This is a news from me.

(C) This is news to me.

(D) This is news by me.

Ans: (C)

342. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

(A) You must revise your answer sheet again.

(B) You should revise your answer sheet again.

(C) You ought to revise your answer sheet again.

(D) You must revise your answer sheet.

Ans: (D)

343. Choose the word that is nearly the same in meaning with the word ‘Transient’

(A) lasting

(B) enduring

(C) fleeting

(D) immortal

Ans: (C)

344. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word : ‘perpetual’

(A) continuous

(B) irregular

(C) temporary

(D) instantaneous

Ans: (C)

345. Pick out the synonyms of the word ‘Taciturn’ from the list given below in the four options:

(A) extrovert

(B) garrulous

(C) loquacious

(D) reticent

Ans: (D)

346. Choose the word that is same in meaning with the word ‘startled’.

(A) amused

(B) astonished

(C) relaxed

(D) pleased

Ans: (B)

347. Find the odd one from the following choices:

(A) chick

(B) puppy

(C) calf

(D) pony

Ans: (A)

348. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word: ‘Astute’.

(A) shrewd

(B) unwise

(C) dishonest

(D) inexplicable

Ans: (A)

349. Choose the word that is almost same in meaning to the word given below: ‘myopic’.

(A) intelligent

(B) farsighted

(C) blind

(D) selfish

Ans: (C)

350. The likeness or representation of a person, made of cardboard, straw etc. is ———-.

(A) portrait

(B) effigy

(C) statue

(D) replica

Ans: (B)

MCQs on English Grammar 4

351. One who makes and sells cushions and covers for chairs, motor-car seats is  called:

(A) cushioner

(B) haberdasher

(C) huckster

(D) upholdster

Ans: (C)

352. Find out  a word from the list given for the word ‘stalemate’.

(A) compromise

(B) deadlock

(C) dilemma

(D) settlement

Ans: (B)

353. One who runs away from justice or law is called:

(A) fugitive

(B) bohemian

(C) platonic

(D) epicure

Ans: (A)

354. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru like Radhakrishanan was a great lover of books. What is the right word for the phrase “lover of books”?

(A) literate

(B) bibliophile

(C) librarian

(D) bookworm

Ans: (B)

355. ‘Face’ is related to ‘expression’, In the same way ‘Nation’ is related to ——-.

(A) anthem

(B) emblem

(C) icon

(D) flag

Ans: (D)

356. ‘Marathon’ is related to ‘Race’. In the same way ‘Hibernation’ is  related to:

(A) winter

(B) sleep

(C) dream

(D) reproduction

Ans: (B)

357. From the following words select the odd one:

(A) green

(B) violet

(C) brown

(D) yellow

Ans: (D)

358. Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with correct choice from the options:

“It was the recommendation from the minister that finally did ———- him.

(A) off

(B) with

(C) out

(D) for

Ans: (D)

359. By the time you’re my age, you ————– your mind.

(A) would probably change

(B) will probably have changed

(C) are probably changing

(D) will probably change

Ans: (D)

360. When my brother went to France it took him a long time to ——– on the left.

(A) get used to drive

(B) be used to driving

(C) be used to driving

(D) get used to driving

Ans: (B)

MCQs on English Grammar 4

361. It is no secret that healthy natural environments ——– healthy human lives.

(A) result with

(B) contribute to 

(C) make up

(D) lead to

Ans: (B)

362. Hadn’t you ——— start getting ready? We leave in ten minutes.

(A) better

(B) rather

(C) already

(D) first

Ans: (B)

363. The policeman threatened to have the drunk locked up ———– he stopped  making a nuisance of himself.

(A) if

(B) as

(C) when

(D) until

Ans: (D)

364. She —————– be a grandmother, she looks like a teenager.

(A) mustn’t

(B) shouldn’t

(C) can’t

(D) ought to

Ans: (C)

365. In such a situation —————- that we had no choice but to call the police.

(A) we ourselves found

(B) did we find ourselves

(C) we found ourselves

(D) did we ourselves find

Ans: (C)

367. “Why do you object to ——————- ? He’ll be an asset to the company.”

(A) him being taken on

(B) he being taken on

(C) his be taken on

(D) he be taken on

Ans: (A)

368. If the decision —————- before he arrived, he would have been furious.

(A) would have been taken

(B) was taken

(C) had been taken

(D) could be taken

Ans: (C)

369. ————–   ————–   ————-   to blame.

(A) I, you and he are

(B) you, he and I am

(C) You, he and I are

(D) I, you and he is

Ans: (B)

370. If you were stopped by the police for speeding, what —————— you do?

(A) will

(B) shall

(C) do

(D) would

Ans: (D)

MCQs on English Grammar 4

371. I had instruction that I ———- to leave the door unlocked when I came home.

(A) shall have to

(B) were

(C) am

(D) was

Ans: (B)

372. As we’ve got plenty of time to ———– before the train comes, let’s have a coffee.

(A) waste

(B) lose

(C) spend

(D) kill

Ans: (A)

373. I didn’t think he looked very well when we last saw him, in fact he was really out of ————–.

(A) order

(B) form

(C) sorts

(D) trend

Ans: (C)

374. He didn’t reveal his name with his first book and published it under a ——.

(A) synonym

(B) homonym

(C) acronym

(D) pseudonym

Ans: (D)

375. They took no notice of the accident and simply walked ——————.

(A) by

(B) in

(C) across

(D) through

Ans: (D)

376. A total stranger walked ———– to me and asked if I could lend him some money.

(A) along

(B) by

(C) up

(D) under

Ans: (C)

377. What was wrong with you? Why —————– see the doctor?

(A) had you to

(B) did  you have to

(C) must you

(D) will you

Ans: (B)

378. Everyday ———— starts at 8 and finishes at 4.

(A) school

(B) the school

(C) a school

(D) the schools

Ans: (B)

379. “Do you think it is going to rain heavily?”  ——– .

(A) I hope not

(B) I don’t hope

(C) I don’t hope so

(D) I wouldn’t hope so.

Ans: (C)

380. I’m sure I locked the door. I clearly remember ———-it.

(A) locking

(B) to lock

(C) to have locked

(D) locked

Ans: (C)

MCQs on English Grammar 4

381. He told a ————– because he didn’t want to upset his mother.

(A) good lie

(B) kind lie

(C) black lie

(D) white lie

Ans: (D)

382. I have to leave before seven and so ————-.

(A) you leave

(B) you have

(C) you do

(D) do you

Ans: (C)

383. I fail to understand this sentence. Can you —————?

(A) explain to me this word

(B) explain me this word

(C) explain this word to me

(D) explain this word me

Ans: (C)

384. Never ———— her promise.

(A) she keeps

(B) did she keep

(C) she is keeping

(D) has she kept

Ans: (A)

385. The customer insisted ———— by the manager.

(A) to be seen

(B) to see

(C) on being seen

(D) on seeing

Ans: (C)

386. Choose the word that is most nearly the same in meaning with the word ‘Quack’.

(A) genuine

(B) imposter

(C) trained

(D) upright

Ans: (B)

387. Choose the word that is most opposite in meaning to the word given below: ‘Predicament’.

(A) plight

(B) dilemma

(C) quandary

(D) confidence

Ans: (A)

388. Substitute sentence by a single word:

“The art of cutting trees into decorative shapes:.”

(A) tarot

(B) taxonomy

(C) bonsai

(D) topiary

Ans: (D)

389. Choose the option that gives the correct sense of the phrase and idioms /  group verb highlighted in the following sentence.

“They forsook their old leader and began to worship the rising sun.”

(A) pray to the rising sun

(B) show respect to a man rising in power

(C) started a new scheme to select a new leader

(D) try utmost to make protest

Ans: (B)

390. Choose the right alternative to fill up the blank in the following sentence:

“He carried on an ————— trade in wine.

(A) elicit

(B) illicit

(C) illusive

(D) illogical

Ans: (B)

MCQs on English Grammar 4

391. Choose the option that gives the correct sense of the phrase and idioms /  group verb highlighted in the following sentence.

“His remark speaks volume.”

(A) gives enough proof of

(B) speaks against

(C) speaks about oneself

(D) speaks in less volumes

Ans: (A)

392. No one —————– about me.

(A) shall worry

(B) will worry

(C) needs to worry

(D) need worry

Ans: (B)

393. If you drink too much, it will ———– your judgement.

(A) impede

(B) impair

(C) impose

(D) impel

Ans: (A)

394. This building comprises ———– twenty rooms.

(A) of

(B) to

(C) about

(D) for

Ans: (A)

395. My father is one of these who  ——————— appreciate  music.

(A) does

(B) do not

(C) does not

(D) did not

Ans: (B)

396. The police ——— the mob.

(A) scattered

(B) drove

(C) disbanded

(D) dispersed

Ans: (D)

397. If you were stopped by the police for speeding, what ———- you do?

(A) will

(B) would

(C) do

(D) shall

Ans: (B)

398. Have you ever tried your ————– at a running business?

(A) mind

(B) head

(C) hand

(D) money

Ans: (C)

399. If the following sentence is changed to passive voice then it will read like:

“I know him.”

(A) He is known by me.

(B) I am known by him.

(C) He is known to me.

(D) He is known for me.

Ans: (C)

400. Choose the word nearest in meaning to the underlined word: The chairman conducted the meeting with aplomb.

(A) Arrogance

(B) annoyance

(C) poise

(D) authority

Ans: (D) 0 0 0.

MCQs on English Grammar 4

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