MCQs on Preposition 3


MCQs on Preposition 3

MCQs on Preposition 3

MCQs on Preposition 3

MCQs on Preposition 3

201. The cat sprang _____ the rat.

(a) upon

(b) in

(c) of

(d) on

Ans: (a)

202. He jumped _____ the river from bridge.

(a) on

(b) in

(c) of

(d) into

Ans: (d)

203. India defeated Pakistan _____ 1965 war.

(a) of

(b) in

(c) at

(d) on

Ans: (b)

204. David reached Germany _____ the 7th of January.

(a) of

(b) upon

(c) on

(d) in

Ans: (c). MCQs on Preposition 3

205. The ball fell _____ the well.

(a) on

(b) into

(c) at

(d) in

Ans: (b)

206. He will return my software engineering books ____ a week.

(a) in

(b) to

(c) of

(d) at

Ans: (a)

207. He said to me I shall return your money _____ a week.

(a) in

(b) within

(c) at

(d) for

Ans: (b)

208. I am conscious ______ my weakness.

(a) of

(b) for

(c) in

(d) from

Ans: (a)

209. Do not depend _____ her greedy selfish friends.

(a) on

(b) upon

(c) to

(d) of

Ans: (a/b)

210. He has no control _____ his bad language.

(a) over

(b) in

(c) on

(d) of

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Preposition 3

211. Madina is very dear _____ all muslims.

(a) of

(b) to

(c) with

(d) for

Ans: (b)

212. My letter was delivered _____ me by post office.

(a) for

(b) of

(c) to

(d) on

Ans: (c)

213. Hundreds of Chinees died _____ Coronavirus.

(a) for

(b) by

(c) in

(d) of

Ans: (d)

214. Aslam and Akram are not entitled _____ these comforts.

(a) to

(b) of

(c) with

(d) by

Ans: (a). MCQs on Preposition 3

215. Pakistan Airforce soldier Rashid Minhas died ______ his country.

(a) for

(b) to

(c) on

(d) in

Ans: (a)

216. Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik engaged _____ Indian tennes star Sania Malik.

(a) with

(b) in

(c) to

(d) of

Ans: (c)

217. Two and five equal _____ seven.

(a) on

(b) to

(c) of

(d) with

Ans: (b)

218. Raja was accused _____ theft.

(a) of

(b) about

(c) in

(d) by

Ans: (a)

219. We must act _____ the teachings of Islam.

(a) of

(b) upon

(c) in

(d) on

Ans: (b)

220. We must abide _____ the law.

(a) from

(b) in

(c) about

(d) by

Ans: (d)

221. He was absent _____ the meeting.

(a) in

(b) from

(c) on

(d) of

Ans: (b). MCQs on Preposition 3

222. I agree _____ you in this critical matter.

(a) to

(b) among

(c) with

(d) of

Ans: (c)

223. The train arrived _____ the station in time.

(a) at

(b) in

(c) of

(d) on

Ans: (a)

224. The accused appeared _____ the judge.

(a) to

(b) in

(c) after

(d) before

Ans: (d)

225. I agree _____ your wedding proposal.

(a) with

(b) to

(c) in

(d) of

Ans: (b)

226. I am angry _____ your behaviour.

(a) about

(b) of

(c) at

(d) on

Ans: (c)

227. You should be ashamed _____ your misconduct.

(a) to

(b) by

(c) at

(d) of

Ans: (d). MCQs on Preposition 3

228. Rohail aspires _____ becoming a doctor.

(a) to

(b) of

(c) in

(d) on

Ans: (c)

229. You should be aware ______ your faults.

(a) by

(b) in

(c) of

(d) on

Ans: (c)

230. Jazzy was born _____ a rich family.

(a) on

(b) in

(c) of

(d) to

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Preposition 3

231. The prime minister of Pakistan belongs ______ Pakistan Tehrek-e-Insaf.

(a) of

(b) with

(c) to

(d) by

Ans: (c)

232. The Muslims always beg _____ Allah’s help.

(a) of

(b) by

(c) to

(d) for

Ans: (d)

233. Muslims believe _____ one God named Allah.

(a) of

(b) in

(c) for

(d) by

Ans: (b)

234. Sam does not care _____ his children.

(a) for

(b) to

(c) of

(d) about

Ans: (a)

235. I have confidence _____ my ability.

(a) on

(b) for

(c) of

(d) in

Ans: (d). MCQs on Preposition 3

236. I congratulated Ariana _____ her birthday.

(a) to

(b) for

(c) on

(d) of

Ans: (c)

237. Catherine is very careful ______ her long hair.

(a) in

(b) at

(c) about

(d) of

Ans: (c)

238. I have no access _____ the Principal.

(a) on

(b) to

(c) in

(d) of

Ans: (b)

239. I am convinced _____ the necessity of hard work.

(a) on

(b) in

(c) of

(d) about

Ans: (c). MCQs on Preposition 3

240. You should abstain _____ drinking.

(a) from

(b) for

(c) about

(d) in

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Preposition 3

241. He did not comply _____ my request.

(a) on

(b) in

(c) of

(d) with

Ans: (d)

243. Your diet is deficient _____ proteins and fats.

(a) of

(b) on

(c) for

(d) in

Ans: (d)

244. They complained _____ your misbehaviour.

(a) about

(b) against

(c) to

(d) of

Ans: (b)

245. She was absorbed _____ her studies.

(a) on

(b) in

(c) for

(d) of

Ans: (b)

246. Death is preferable _____ disgrace.

(a) to

(b) of

(c) in

(d) on

Ans: (a). MCQs on Preposition 3

247. We do not agree _____ his proposal.

(a) about

(b) to

(c) of

(d) in

Ans: (b)

248. The police charged him _____ stealing the jewels.

(a) to

(b) of

(c) with

(d) in

Ans: (c)

249. He did not avail himself _____ the opportunity.

(a) for

(b) on

(c) to

(d) of

Ans: (d)

250. The people did not agree _____ the leader.

(a) to

(b) in

(c) with

(d) on

Ans: (c)

MCQs on Preposition 3

251. He is born _____ rich parents.

(a) for

(b) of

(c) from

(d) by

Ans: (b)

252. We are committed _____ a policy of peaceful co-existence.

(a) to

(b) with

(c) for

(d) on

Ans: (a)

253. He insists _____ leaving immediately.

(a) against

(b) over

(c) for

(d) on

Ans: (d)

254. I count _____ Rahim in times of difficulty.

(a) at

(b) in

(c) with

(d) on

Ans: (d)

255. Fate smiles _____ him in all his ventures.

(a) upon

(b) at

(c) with

(d) for

Ans: (a)

256. His company is greatly sought _____.

(a) at

(b) after

(c) for

(d) out

Ans: (b)

257. We are accustomed _____ doing hard work.

(a) in

(b) of

(c) to

(d) with

Ans: (c)

258. Few persons in the world die _____ over work.

(a) from

(b) of

(c) with

(d) to

Ans: (a)

259. He arrived _____ the airport _____ time for the plane.

(a) in, in

(b) at, on

(c)  on, in

(d) at, in

Ans: (d). MCQs on Preposition 3

260. You’re always _____ a hurry. You drive _____ a tremendous speed.

(a) for, at

(b) in, at

(c) on, with

(d) in, with

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Preposition 3

261. A blind man cannot distinguish light _____ darkness.

(a) between

(b) from

(c) with

(d) to

Ans: (b)

262. Will you entrust me _____ that money?

(a) to

(b) for

(c) with

(d) by

Ans: (c)

263. I’m interested _____ cricket but I’m not very good _____ it.

(a) in, in

(b) in, with

(c) in, at

(d) with, at

Ans: (c)

264. What platform does the train _____ Delhi leave _____?

(a) for, from

(b) of, from

(c) in, from

(d) for, by

Ans: (a)

265. He is not sitting _____ his desk but _____ his armchair.

(a) with, on

(b) on, on

(c) at, in

(d) at, on

Ans: (c)

266. A hawker goes _____ house _____ house.

(a) to, to

(b) from, at

(c) by, to

(d) from, to

Ans: (d)

267. She was fined _____ parking her car _____ no-parking area.

(a) for, on

(b) for, in

(c) for, at

(d) for, with

Ans: (b)

268. The house is _____ fire! Send _____ the Fire Brigade.

(a) in, for

(b) on, for

(c) at, for

(d) on, of

Ans: (b). MCQs on Preposition 3

269. The doctor gave me a prescription _____ my cough.

(a) for

(b) with

(c) at

(d) to

Ans: (a)

270. What are you interested _____?

(a) of

(b) in

(c) over

(d) on

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Preposition 3

271. I last saw her _____ the car park.

(a) in

(b) of

(c) at

(d) on

Ans: (a)

272. Suganya was born ____ Trichy.

(a) on

(b) in

(c) at

(d) from

Ans: (b)

273. The earth goes ___ the sun.

(a) to

(b) on

(c) round

(d) over

Ans: (c)

274. There’s a good restaurant _____ the Mount road.

(a) between

(b) in

(c) on

(d) at

Ans: (c)

275. He tried to open the tin _____ a knife.

(a) by

(b) with

(c) out of

(d) from

Ans: (b)

276. He will stay here _____ Monday.

(a) by

(b) at

(c) to

(d) till

Ans: (d)

277. Someone is waiting _____ the library.

(a) outside

(b) through

(c) out of

(d) of

Ans: (a). MCQs on Preposition 3

278. _____ my opinion he is a very clever boy.

(a) in

(b) of

(c) for

(d) with

Ans: (a)

279. He should take care _____ his health.

(a) for

(b) of

(c) at

(d) on

Ans: (b)

280. Everybody wanted to come here _____ time.

(a) by

(b) for

(c) in

(d) at

Ans: (c)

MCQs on Preposition 3

281. I’m going to wait _____ it stops raining.

(a) on

(b) before

(c) till

(d)  on

Ans: (c)

282. David cleaned his room by stuffing everything _______his bed.

(a) in

(b) on

(c) under

(d) along

Ans: (b)

283. We often go fishing _______ the river bank.

(a) towards

(b) inside

(c) along

(d) around

Ans: (c)

284. When we get ready for school, I have to take my books__________ the table.

(a) off

(b) from

(c) out

(d) of

Ans: (b)

285. You have to leave your shoes _____the door when you enter the house.

(a) in

(b) over

(c) to

(d) by

Ans: (d)

286. It was a long walk, so he began moving slowly ______ the town.

(a) for

(b) towards

(c) until

(d) at

Ans: (b)

287. The lecture will be held right _______ the tutorial.

(a) at

(b) before

(c) over

(d) beyond

Ans: (b). MCQs on Preposition 3

288. He was caught by the teacher for cheating _________the exam.

(a) during

(b) after

(c) near

(d) outside

Ans: (a)

289. Kathleen apologized ________________ her brother’s poor behaviour.

(a) for

(b) in

(c) off

(d) at

Ans: (a)

290. There is no doubt that Adam is very good ___________ telling jokes.

(a) at

(b)  over

(c) of

(d) with

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Preposition 3

291. John needs to submit the report _________ his boss before 5 pm. 

(a) at

(b) to

(c) of

(d) on

Ans: (b)

292. James’s wife accused him _____________ cheating.

(a) up

(b) to

(c) with

(d)  of

Ans: (d)

293. These dresses were ____________ sale last week.

(a) in

(b) of

(c) on

(d)  up

Ans: (a)

294. Their relationship was __________ because of jealousy.

(a) on

(b) in

(c) over

(d) of

Ans: (c)

295. Julia came all the way _______ Russia to see her boyfriend.

(a) from

(b) since

(c) before

(d) in

Ans: (a)

296. There is a bridge ________ the river.

(a) near

(b) across

(c) on

(d) along

Ans: (b)

297. Amanda hasn’t seen her older sister ______ last April.

(a) on

(b) in

(c) around

(d) since

Ans: (d)

298. We shall finish this work ………..5 p.m. today.

(a) in

(b) by

(c) on

(d) at

Ans: (b). MCQs on Preposition 3

299. Send me letters …………. this address.

(a) by

(b) in

(c) to

(d) on

Ans: (d)

300. You should listen…………. what your parents say.

(a) among

(b) in

(c) to

(d) between

Ans: (c)

MCQs on Preposition 3

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