Tips for supporting children to learn from home During Corona Crisis


Tips for supporting children to learn from home During Corona Crisis

Tips for supporting children to learn from home During Corona Crisis

Tips for supporting children to learn from home During Corona Crisis

Tips for supporting children to learn from home During Corona Crisis

The following tips are prescribed for supporting children to learn from home during Corona Crisis

Plan a routine together

Try to establish a routine that factors in age-appropriate education programs that can be followed online, on television, or through the radio. Also, factor in playtime and read time. Use everyday activities as learning opportunities for your children. And don’t forget to bring these plans together where possible. Although establishing a routine and structure is critically important for children and young people, in these times you may notice that your children need some level of flexibility. Switch up your activities. If your child seems restless and agitated when you are trying to follow an online learning program with them, move on to a more active option. Don’t forget that planning and safely doing household chores together is great for the development of fine and gross motor functions. Try and be as consistent with their needs as possible.

Tips for supporting children to learn from home During Corona Crisis

Have an Open Conversation

Encourage your children to ask questions and express their feelings with you. Remember that your child may have different reactions to stress, so be patient and wise. Start by inviting your child to talk about the problem. Find out how much they already know and follow their lead. Discuss good hygiene practices. You can use everyday moments to reinforce the importance of things like regular and thorough hand washing. Make sure you are in a safe environment and allow your child to talk freely. Drawings, stories, and other activities can help start the discussion.

Tips for supporting children to learn from home During Corona

Don’t try to minimize or avoid their worries. Be sure to acknowledge their feelings and reassure them that it is natural to be afraid of these things. Demonstrate that you are listening to them with your full attention, and make sure they understand that they can talk to you and their teachers whenever they want. Warn them about fake news and encourage them – and remind themselves – to use credible sources like UNICEF, WHO and guidance from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Tips for supporting children to learn from home During Corona Crisis

Take Your Time

Start with short learning sessions and make them progressively longer. If the goal is to do 30- or 45-minute sessions, start with 10 minutes and build up from there. Within a session, combine online or screen time with offline activities or exercises.

Tips for supporting children to learn from home During Corona Crisis

Protect Kids Online

Digital platforms provide an opportunity for children to learn, participate in play and stay in touch with their friends. But increased online access poses increased risks to children’s safety, security and privacy. Discuss the Internet with your children so they know how it works, what they need to be aware of, and what appropriate behavior, such as video calls, looks like on the platforms they use.

Tips for supporting children to learn from home During Corona

Establish rules together about how, when and where the Internet can be used. Set up parental controls on their devices to reduce online risks, especially for young children. Find together suitable online tools for entertainment – Organizations such as Common Sense Media provide advice for age-appropriate apps, games, and other online entertainment. In the event of cyberbullying or inappropriate content online, familiarize yourself with the school and other local reporting mechanisms, keep support helplines and hotlines numbers handy.

Tips for supporting children to learn from home During Corona

Don’t forget that there is no need for children or young people to share their photos or other personal information to access digital learning.

Learn how to get in touch with your child’s teacher or school to get information, ask questions, and get more guidance. Parent groups or community groups can also be a good way to support each other with your home schooling. 0 0 0

Tips for supporting children to learn from home During Corona Crisis.

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