Common Bodily Disorder


Common Bodily Disorder

Common Bodily Disorder

Common Bodily Disorder

Allergy: A special reaction to a certain substance such as pollen or certain foods (causing sneezing, skin rashes, etc). Allergy can be from any material even by colours etc. 

Arthritis: Inflammation of joints. 

Asthma: A respiratory disorder caused by the narrowing of bronchial tubes. It can be caused by infection or allergy. 

Bronchitis: Inflammation of the bronchial caused by bacteria or viruses. 

Cancer: An abnormal growth of body cells, often resulting in a malignant tumour. 

Diabetes Mellitus: Excess sugar in the body, when the body is not able to control the level of blood sugar due to malfunctioning of the pancreas when it produces an inadequate amount of insulin. 

Epilepsy: Unwarned and periodic loss of consciousness along with convulsions, due to nervous disorders.

Common Bodily Disorder

Hepatitis: An infectious and inflammatory disease of the liver commonly identified by its primary symptoms of jaundice. 

Hernia: A weakness of the muscle surrounding an organ allowing it to bulge through, often found in the groin. 

Jaundice: Excessive bilirubin (present in the bile juice secreted by the liver in the blood, causes yellowing of eyes, skin and even urine) 

Leukaemia: Blood Cancer 

Measles: A contagious disease caused by a virus. Red rashes appear on the body along with fever. 

Migraine: A type of headache followed by disturbed vision and no speech accompanied by nausea. 

Mumps: An acute infection particularly in children and young adults in which there is swelling of the neck and high fever.

Common Bodily Disorder 

Osteomalacia: A disease caused by the shortage of Vitamin  D (calciferol) which results in softening of bones, frequent fractures and bending of the backbone. 

Pellagra: A disease caused by the deficiency of Vitamin B5. Its symptoms are Diarrhoea, Dermatosis and Dementia. 

Pleurisy: Inflammation of the membrane that covers the lungs and lines of the chest cavity. 

Rabies: A viral disease transmitted by the saliva of infected animals. Symptoms include convulsions and repulsion to water (hydrophobia). 

Ringworm: A skin disease causing circular swellings on the skin. Transmitted through air-borne pores and in contact with an infected person. 

Slipped Disc: A painful condition in which a cartilage disc in the spine is displaced putting pressure on the nearest nerve. 

Small Pox: A contagious viral disease, common among children. Its symptoms are rashes on the skin, fever, etc. 

Thrombosis: Formation of a blood clot in a blood vessel or in the heart causing death. 

Ulcer: An inflamed open sore on the skin, or in the membrane of a body cavity. A peptic ulcer is a condition and which an ulcer is there in the food pipe causing a burning sensation.  0 0 0

Common Bodily Disorder

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