Covid-19 Emergence: Why It Matters


Covid-19 Emergence: Why It Matters

Covid-19 Emergence Why It Matters

Covid-19 Emergence Why It Matters

Covid-19 Emergence: Why It Matters

It is very important to understand how COVID-19 emerged. We now know that the viruses causing SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 are all members of vast groups of bat coronaviruses distributed globally and that many of these viruses are functionally ready for human emergence. This prior adaptation can be regarded as “accidental” because it would have occurred in nature in the absence of human infection and does not rule out further human adaptation to enable epidemics. The molecular mechanisms of preadaptation are not fully known but are undoubtedly related to functional similarities between ACE2 receptors on the cells of many mammals (bats, humans, monkeys, cats and other domestic and wild animals).

Covid-19 Emergence Why It Matters

The ability of coronaviruses to evolve at high rates, illustrated by extreme phylogenetic diversity, coupled with the dispersal of new viral variants within a vast array of wild animal species that may serve as hosts, has led to the emergence of coronavirus disease. We are already seeing coronavirus mutants with altered affinity for human ACE2. Whether BAT coronaviruses evolved independently or by “sampling” of different mammalian ACE2 receptors, the outcome is the same. That bat circovirus so readily switches between multiple hosts suggests a variety of human exposures: directly from bats and indirectly from other mammals infected with bat virus. Because we have just begun to sample, sequence and study bat/mammalian coronaviruses, we can be certain that what we now know is just the tip of a much larger iceberg.

Covid-19 Emergence Why It Matters

The previously described findings confirm what has long been clear: transmission of coronavirus to humans is not only possible but likely, in the future. Scientists knew this years ago and raised the appropriate alarm. Our long deafness now pays a sad price.

The story of the emergence of COVID-19 carries a powerful message. A huge leap forward in bat coronavirus surveillance and research is urgently needed. This work should emphasize virological and behavioural field studies of humans and animals, wherever they interface, and particularly in disease hotspots, as well as virological studies relating to human and animal spillover risks and means of mitigating them. 

Covid-19 Emergence Why It Matters

Critical research to deal with the urgency of the situation, which has been curtailed, or stopped, should be expanded, and more scientists, including scientists working in China and other hotspot countries. Full, open international cooperation involving many countries is essential. In particular, field research on the spread and virus-host relationships of coronaviruses is necessary to allow the development of platform technologies for diagnostics, vaccines, and animal models for the study of pathogenesis and potential therapeutics, for example, specific Modeling structure/function relationships of binding domains from newly identified agents to form important tools for disease control.

In addition to a strong expansion of surveillance and research, there are things we can do now to reduce our risks. We know a lot about coronavirus hotspots not only in China but also globally. We can survey these locations more aggressively to learn more about local viral ecology and to identify early human spillover events. We also know a great deal about the human behaviours that directly and indirectly expose us to bats, including exposure to wet markets, bat cave tourism, the capture and eating of bats, and the ways in which they disturb the environment.

Covid-19 Emergence Why It Matters

We can also strengthen basic public health, including sanitation and hygiene, so that emerging viruses do not have fertile areas to increase their fertility. Infrastructure must be built and maintained. For viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, we need to develop effective antiviral and, broadly protective vaccines. Education and communication with populations where spillover incidents occur is also important component of risk reduction.

Covid-19 Emergence Why It Matters

We should also realize that the problem is bigger than just coronavirus. In recent years, we have seen the emergence and recurrence of many other human infectious diseases such as Ebola fever, Lassa fever, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, human monkeypox, HIV, dengue, chikungunya, Zika and epizootic avian influenza. We have entered a new pandemic era, one in which the emergence of epidemics and epidemics is becoming increasingly common; Some are likely to be highly pathogenic. In 2020, our science is strong enough to have a good chance of controlling epidemic viral emergence within 2–3 years.

Covid-19 Emergence Why It Matters

We should in the future begin to develop broadly protective vaccines and broadly therapeutic antiviral/antimicrobial agents against pathogens within emerging taxonomic groups, including coronaviruses, henipaviruses and filoviruses. Among other organizations, organizations such as the Coalition for Pandemic Preparedness should be enhanced and strengthened in addition to vaccine development, therapeutics as well as prevention tools. Epidemic prevention should be a global effort with the prevention of chemical and nuclear weapons.

Understanding how COVID-19 emerged is a key point in the learning curve that we must quickly master. As we face the rising deaths and social upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must not look at how this pandemic started, how and why we missed the warning signs, and keep it from happening again. 0 0 0

Covid-19 Emergence Why It Matters

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