MCQs on Ancient Indian History


MCQs on Ancient Indian History

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

Q. Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below each question:

1. At which among the following sites, first evidence of cultivation of cotton has been found?

(a) Piklihal

(b) Hathonora

(c) Mehrgarh

(d) Ghaligai

Ans: (c) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

2. Which Greek ambassador set up a pillar in honour of Vishnu?

(a) Megasthenes

(b) Heliodorus

(c) Theodorus

(d) Plato

Ans: (b)

3. According to Buddhist traditions, who was Charioteer of Buddha?

(a) Channa

(b) Kanthaka

(c) Devdatta

(d) Chunda

Ans: (a)

4. Which of the following inscriptions mentions the name of Kalidasa?

(a) Allahabad pillar inscription

(b) Aihole inscription

(c) Alapadu grant

(d) Hanumakonda inscription

Ans: (b) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

5.Who among the following Kushan Emperors was the first to introduce the gold coinage in India?

(a) Vima Kadphises

(b) Vima Taktu

(c) Vasishka

(d) Kujula Kadphises

Ans: (a)

6.The philosophy of “Nyaya Darshan” has been ascribed to who among following?

(a) Kanad

(b) Gautam

(c) Panini

(d) Bharthari

Ans: (b) 

7. Which of the following Indus Valley Sites was discovered by Rakhal Das Bannerjee?

(a) Kali Banga

(b) Mohenjodaro

(c) Harappa

(d) Lothal

Ans: (b)

8.Who among the following rulers of Gupta dynasty started Gupta Era?

(a) Vishnugupta

(b) Chandragupta-I

(c) Skandgupta

(d) Samudragupta

Ans: (b) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

9. Who was the father of King Harshavardhan?

(a) Prabhakara Vardhana

(b) Bhaskar vardhan

(c) Jaivardhan

(d) Mahavardhan

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

10. Who among the following annexed Anga to Magadha?

(a) Chandragupta Maurya

(b) Bimbisara

(c) Ashoka

(d) Samudragupta

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

11.Which among the following is considered to be the official law book of the Guptas?

(a) Manusmriti

(b) Parashara Smriti

(c) Yajnavalkya Smriti

(d) Vyasa Smriti

Ans: (c)  MCQs on Ancient Indian History

12. Which among the following river is most described in Rig-Veda?

(a) Sindhu

(b) Chenab

(c) Saraswati

(d) Ganga

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

13. With reference to the Ancient India:

1. Cotton Route refers to the maritime route in the Indian Ocean for export of textiles from India

2. India regularly exported large quantities cotton cloth from Tagara in current Maharashtra state

Which among the above is / are correct?

(a) Only 1

(b) Only 2

(c) Both 1 & 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

14. Who wrote Malvikagnimitra?

(a) Kalidas

(b) Tulsidas

(c) Agnimitra

(d) Chanakya

Ans: (a)

15. Which of the following serve as first evidence that Gautam Buddha was born in Lumbini?

(a) Records of Fa Hien

(b) Records of Huen Tsang

(c) Pillar of Asoka

(d) Writings of Ashwaghoasha

Ans: (c) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

16. Consider the following Indus Valley Sites with what they are known for:

1. Chanhudaro – the only site without a citadel

2. Mohenjo-daro – the biggest Harappan site discovered so far

3. Bhirrana – the oldest Indus Valley Site discovered so far

Which of the above is/are correct?

(a) Only 1 & 2

(b) Only 2 & 3

(c) Only 1 & 3

(d) 1, 2 & 3

Ans: (c)

17. During the early Vedic period, which of the following priests served as presiding priest during ritual sacrifices?

(a) Hotr

(b) adhvaryu

(c) Udgatr

(d) Brahmin

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

18. The earliest record of Land grants to Brahmins in ancient India has the reference of ………… .

(a) Mauryas

(b) Saatavahanas

(c) Rastrakutas

(d) Cholas

Ans: (a)

19. Consider the following pairs:

1. Sabha and Samiti – Vedic period

2. Girnar inscription – Rudradaman

3. Devnam piya – Ashoka

Which of the above is/are correct?

(a) 1 & 2 Only

(b) 3 Only

(c) 2 & 3 Only

(d) 1, 2 & 3

Ans: (d) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

20. Tekkalakota in Karnataka is a Pre-historic site has shown a evidence of?

(a) Horse burials

(b) Rampart along with a ditch

(c) irrigation canal and an embankment

(d) Elaborate gold ear-ornaments

Ans: (d)

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

21. Which of the following is also known as Lokayata?

(a) Charvak

(b) Mahavira

(c) Buddha

(d) Shaivites

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

22. Which of the following kings started the construction of Sudarshan lake?

(a) Ashoka

(b) Samudragupta

(c) Chandragupta Maurya

(d) Bindusara

Ans: (c)

23. How many inscriptions are there of Ashoka?

(a) 30

(b) 31

(c) 32

(d) 33

Ans: (d)

24. Which Rock Edict mentions religious tolerance amongst all sects and welfare measures for the public?

(a) Seventh Edict

(b) Eighth Edict

(c) Ninth Edict

(d) Tenth Edict

Ans: (a)

25. Which of the following succeeded Dantivarman?

(a) Paramesdhvaraman II

(b) Nandivarman III

(c) Aparajita

(d) None of the above

Ans: (b) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

26.Which of the following was the last known Pallava king who defeated the Pandyas at a battle at Shripurambiyam?

(a) Paramesdhvaraman II

(b) Dantivarman

(c) Nandivarman III

(d) Aparajita

Ans: (d)

27. How many pillar edicts have been found?

(a) 7

(b) 8

(c) 9

(d) 10

Ans: (a)

28. Which of the following pillar edicts mentions about the social code?

(a) First Pillar Edict

(b) Second Pillar Edict

(c) Fourth Pillar Edict

(d) Third Pillar Edict

Ans: (a)

29. Which of the following introduced the practice of military governorship?

(a) Mauryans

(b) Shungas

(c) Indo-Greeks

(d) Parthians

Ans: (c) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

30. Which of the following Gupta King claimed the title of ‘Maharajadhiraja’?

(a) Maharaja Ghatotkacha

(b) Chandragupta – I

(c) Chandragupta – II

(d) Samudragupta

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

31. Which of the following kings is glorified in the Bhitari pillar inscription?

(a) Chandragupta – I

(b) Samudragupta

(c) Chandragupta II

(d) Skandagupta

Ans: (d)

32. Which of the following was a type of cess for the maintenance of rites during the Gupta period?

(a) Mahapratihara

(b) Uparikara

(c) Vata-Bhuta

(d) Udranga

Ans: (c)

33. Which of the following mandals of Rig Veda are called family books?

(a) I to III

(b) II to VII

(c) VI to VIII

(d) VIII to X

Ans: (b) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

34. Which of the following is the Upveda of Rig-Veda?

(a) Ayurveda

(b) Shilpaveda

(c) Gandhraveda

(d) Dhanuraveda

Ans: (a)

35. Which of the following contains the Kathaka, Maitrayani, Taittiriya, and Kapishthala recensions?

(a) Shukla Yajur Veda

(b) White Yajur Veda

(c) Vajasaneya

(d) Black Yajur Veda

Ans: (d)

36. Pushyabhutis were originally feudatories of which of the following?

(a) Mauryans

(b) Satvahnas

(c) Guptas

(d) None of the above

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

37. Which of the following period is associated with the rule of Pala ruler ‘Mahipala- I’?

(a) 988 to 1038 A.D.

(b) 990 to 1030 A.D.

(c) 994 to 1026 A.D.

(d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

38. Which of the following Huna leader took refuge in Kashmir?

(a) Toramana

(b) Yashodharman

(c) Mihirgula

(d) Baladitya

Ans: (c)

39. Which of the following forms of industry were in vogue during the early medieval period?

1. A great variety and different qualities of textiles were produced.

2. Surashtra was famous for bell-metal and Vanga for tin industry.

3. The art of the jeweller appears to have maintained its old level.

Select the correct option from the codes given below:

(a) Only 1

(b) Only 2

(c) Only 1 & 3

(d) 1, 2 & 3

Ans: (d) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

40. Which of the following kings had lucrative trade with China during the medieval period?

(a) Chola kings

(b) Chera kings

(c) Pandya kings

(d) Rashtrakutas kings

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

41. Which of the following Chola King succeeded Parantaka-II?

(a) Arumolivarman

(b) Uttama Chola

(c) Rajendra-I

(d) None of the above

Ans: (b)

42. ‘Paraga nagaram’ was the corporate organisation of which of the following during the Chola administration?

(a) Textile trade

(b) Oil and ghee suppliers

(c) Seafaring merchants

(d) Oil merchants

Ans: (c)

43.‘Vellallas’ refers to which of the following?

(a) Untouchables

(b) Farming groups

(c) Workers

(d) Rich merchants

Ans: (b) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

44. Robert Bruce Foote, who discovered first Palaeolithic tools in India, was originally …………. ?

(a) Palaeobotanist

(b) Geologist

(c) Archaeologist

(d) Historian

Ans: (b)

45. Which of the following are two works of Kalidasa?

(a) Raghuvamsha and Kiratarjuniya

(b) Kumara Sambhav and Raghuvamsha

(c) Malti Madhava and Kumara Sambhava

(d) Malti Madhav and Kumara Sambhava

Ans: (b)

46. Which among the following site in Bihar is a Buddhist as well as Janism pilgrim place?

(a) Bodhgaya

(b) Rajgir

(c) Nalanda

(d) Vaishali

Ans: (d) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

47. Which among the following Veda has been described as “Braham Veda”?

(a) Rigveda

(b) Samaveda

(c) Yajurveda

(d) Atharavaveda

Ans: (d)

48. The Rashtrakutas were involved continuously in the fight against which rulers?

(a) Pallavas of Kanchi

(b) Pandyas of Madurai

(c) Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi

(d) All of the Above

Ans: (d)

49. Who founded the Rashtrakutas Kingdom?

(a) Krishna I

(b) Amoghavarsha I

(c) Dantidurga

(d) Dhruva

Ans: (c) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

50. The phrase “Satyamev jayate” is mentioned in which of the following Upanishads?

(a) Katho Upanishad

(b) Mandukyo Upanishad

(c) Chhandogya Upanishad

(d) None of the Above

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

51. Which of the following was regarded as the God of the Shudras?

(a) Rudra

(b) Vishnu

(c) Pushan

(d) Indra

Ans: (c) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

52. Which of the following sites of Indus Valley Civilization, a clay model of plow has been found?

(a) Rakhigarhi

(b) Banawali


(d) Mitahal

Ans: (b)

53. Which of the following kings wore the title of “Avanisimha”?

(a) Simhavarman

(b) Simhavishnu

(c) Mahendravarman-I

(d) Shivaskandavarman

Ans: (b) 

54. Who wrote ‘Rasaratnakara’?

(a) Sridhara

(b) Madhavakar

(c) Nagarjuna

(d) None of the above

Ans: (c) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

55. What is the Ruling period of Pulkeshin I?

(a) c. 5175 – 546 CE

(b) c. 5305 – 556 CE

(c) c. 535 – 566 CE

(d) c. 515 – 536 CE

Ans: (c) 

56. Who captured Madurai and took the title of Madurantaka and Maduraikonda?

(a) Aditya-I

(b) Parantaka-I

(c) Parantaka-II

(d) Vijayalaya

Ans: (b)  MCQs on Ancient Indian History

57. Which is the Neolithic site of North-East India?

(a) Chirand

(b) Senuar

(c) Sarutaru

(d) Taradih

Ans: (c) 

58. What is the Upveda of the Yajur Veda?

(a) Dhanurveda

(b) Gandharva

(c) Shilpaveda

(d) Ayurveda

Ans: (a)

59.  Who is called the father of Indian archaeology?

(a) Robert Seawell

(b) John Marshal

(c) Colonel Mackenzie

(d) Alexander Cunningham

Ans: (d) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

60. What symbol represents the birth of Gautama Buddha?

(a) Bodh tree

(b) Lotus

(c) Horse

(d) Wheel

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

61. Who sent Megasthenes (the Greek ruler) to the court of Chandragupta Maurya?

(a) Antiochus

(b) Potlemy

(c) Magas

(d) Seleucus Nicator

Ans: (d)

62. In which of the following places Ochre Coloured Pottery culture (OCP) is mainly found?

(a) Bihar

(b) Eastern UP

(c) Western UP

(d) Bengal

Ans: (c) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

63.  Which among the following is not one of the realms of ‘being’ as stated by Buddhism?

(a) Prani

(b) Preta

(c) Asura

(d) Bodhisattva

Ans: (c) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

64. Who wrote the famous book ‘Brihat Katha’?

(a) Gunadhya

(b) Sarva Varman

(c) Panini

(d) Radhagupt

Ans: (a)

65. The conversation between Nagasena and Menander-I related to Buddhism is recorded in which book?

(a) Milindapanho

(b) Panhomenanda

(c) Nagapanho

(d) Menandapanho

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

66. The Mahasamghika School arose at which among the following places?

(a) Bodha Gaya

(b) Rajagriha

(c) Sravasti

(d) Vaishali

Ans: (d)

67. Who identified ‘Sandrokottus’ of the Greco-Roman literature with Chandragupta Maurya?

(a) D. R. Bhandarkar

(b) Alexander Cunningham

(c) R. P. Chanda

(d) William Jones

Ans: (d)

68. Which of the following ancient Tamil Kingdoms came to be known from Sangam Literature?

(a) Chera

(b) Chola

(c) Pandya

(d) All of them

Ans: (d)

69. What is the correct location of an ancient site Deh Morasi Ghundai?

(a) Eastern Persia

(b) Northern Pakistan

(c) Afghanistan

(d) Modern Turkey

Ans: (c) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

70. Pushkalavati was the capital of which of the following ancient Kingdoms?

(a) Kosal

(b) Gandhara

(c) Kashi

(d) Magadha

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

71. Heliodorus was the Greek ambassador of which of the following Indo-Greek kings?

(a) Seleucus Nicator

(b) Antialcidas Nikephoros

(c) Constantine

(d) Alexander

Ans: (b)

72. The port of Tamralipti in the Gupta Era was located in which of the following parts of India?

(a) South India

(b) North India

(c) Eastern India

(d) Western India

Ans: (c) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

73. To which dynasty the Gandhara School of art is related?

(a) Kushanas

(b) Shakas

(c) Greeks

(d) Guptas

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

74. The Rajukas were assisted in accounting, secretarial, and other miscellaneous works by which of the following?

(a) Pradeshikas

(b) Yukatas

(c) Gas

(d) Sthanikas

Ans: (b)

75. Agnimitra, who is the hero of Kalidasa’s ‘Malvikagnimitram,’ was a king of which of the following dynasties?

(a) Kanva

(b) Sunga

(c) Maurya

(d) Satavahana

Ans: (b) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

76. The first Indian Mathematician who treated Mathematics as a different discipline?

(a) Aryabhatta

(b) Varahmihira

(c) Baudhayan

(d) Ramanujan

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

77.  Who assumed the title of ‘Ksitipasatapatih’ (Lord of hundred Kings)?

(a) Samudragupta

(b) Skandgupta

(c) Ashoka

(d) Chandragupta-I

Ans: (b)

78. Which among the following kings assassinated Brihadrath, the last Maurya King?

(a) Agnimitra

(b) Pushyamitra Shunga

(c) Vasujyeshtha

(d) Vasumitra

Ans: (b) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

79. “Mahamaya,” the mother of Gautama Buddha, belonged to which among the following dynasties?

(a) Shakya

(b) Koliyan

(c) Lichchavi

(d) Maurya

Ans: (b)

80. The silver coins of which among the following kings carried portraits and bilingual legends, which were inspired by the Kshatrapa types?

(a) Satavahanas

(b) Kushanas

(c) Guptas

(d) Mauryas

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

81. Which one is the gesture of Katyotsarga’s pose?

(a) Shiva

(b) Vishnu

(c) Gautam Buddha

(d) Mahavira

Ans: (d)

82. Buddha got enlightenment under which of the following tree?

(a) Ficus religiosa

(b) Ficus benghalensis

(c) Ficus elastic

(d) Ficus microcarpa

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

83. Which of the following committee took care of foreigners in the Mauryan administration?

(a) Foreigners

(b) Foreign Affairs

(c) Vital Statistics

(d) Home Affairs

Ans: (a)

84. The term ‘visit’ refers to which of the following?

(a) Wage Labour

(b) Forced Labour

(c) Slave Labour

(d) None of them

Ans: (b) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

85. Who is the main expounder of materialistic philosophy?

(a) Charvaka

(b) Ajivikas

(c) Jainism

(d) Buddhism

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

86. Large territorial states in North India during the sixth century BCE were known as?

(a) Janapadas

(b) Jana

(c) Mahajanapadas

(d) None of them

Ans: (c)

87. What were the rich peasants called in the 6th century BCE?

(a) Ganapati

(b) Gramabhojaka

(c) Kamikaze

(d) Gramakas

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

88. Ashoka is referred to as Buddhashakya in which of the following inscriptions?

(a) Sarnath Inscription

(b) Maski Edict

(c) Kandahar Inscription

(d) Delhi – Topra Pillar edict

Ans: (b)

89. ‘Dhamma Mahamattas’ were mentioned in which of the following rock edicts?

(a) Fifth Edict

(b) Third Edict

(c) Seventh Edict

(d) Sixth Edict

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

90. Who was the founder of the Vatsagulma line of the Vakatakas?

(a) Pravarasena II

(b) Rudrasena I

(c) Vindhyashakti II

(d) Sarvasana

Ans: (d)

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

91. What is the meaning of ‘Masi’?

(a) Teaching

(b) Defence

(c) Agriculture

(d) Business

Ans: (a)

92. Which of the following sect does King Kharvela belong to?

(a) Jainism

(b) Buddhism

(c) Shaivism

(d) Brahmanism

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

93. Which of the following were the first to issue gold coins?

(a) Kushans

(b) Shakas

(c) Parthians

(d) Indo-Greeks

Ans: (d) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

94. Who offered a bowl of milk-rice to Buddha?

(a) Kapila

(b) Sujata

(c) Suneeta

(d) Yashodhara

Ans: (b) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

95. Where did Buddha deliver his first Sermon?

(a) Sarnath

(b) Gaya

(c) Lumbini

(d) Kushinagar

Ans: (a)

96. In Jainism the aim of life is to attain Nirvana or Moksha for which one has to

(a) follow three jewels and five vows

(b) practice non-violence and non-injury to all living beings

(c) renounce the world and attain right knowledge

(d) believe in the Jains and absolute non-violence

Ans: (a) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

97. The site of birth (nativity) of Gautam Buddha is marked by

(a) A monastery

(b) A “Rummindei Pillar” of Ashok Maurya

(c) A statue

(d) A Peepal Tree

Ans: (b) MCQs on Ancient Indian History

98. What was the name assigned to Rishabhnath Tirthankar because of the mark on his right leg?

(a) Hiranyagarbha

(b) Prajapati

(c) Rishabh

(d) Vrihad Deva

Ans: (c)

99. After how many years of practice Sambhavnath acquired Kewalya Gyan and formed DharamTirth?

(a) 10

(b) 12

(c) 14

(d) 16

Ans: (c)

100. Where Ajeetnath Tirthankar was born?

(a) Ayodhya

(b) Kiskindha

(c) Nasik

(d) Ujjain

Ans: (a). 0 0 0.

MCQs on Ancient Indian History

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