MCQs on Modern Indian History 2


MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

Q. Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below each question.

101. The programme of Swadeshi and Boycott against the partition of Bengal was visualised by

(a) Surendra Nath Bennerjee

(b) BC Pal

(c) Aurobindo Ghose

(d) Rash Behari Bose

Ans: (c)

102. The Prime causes of the 1857 mutiny did not include

(a) The new system of education

(b) The Widow Remarriage Act

(c) The despatch of Indian Sepoys to Afghanistan

(d) Laws forbidding intermarriages between Indians and the British

Ans: (d) MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

103. Who established Narayana Gurukulam in 1923 in the Nilgiri Hills with the blessings of Narayana Guru?

(a) Nataraja Guru

(b) Chattambi Swamikal

(c) T.K.Madhavan

(d) Dr. Palpu

Ans: (a)

104. As per ‘August Offer 1940’ the Constitution of India would be drawn by

(a) House of Commons

(b) House of Lords

(c) Princely States

(d) Indians

Ans: (d)

105. The first Carnatic War in India was an extension of the Anglo-French War in

(a) Canada

(b) Europe

(c) Africa

(d) America

Ans: (b)

106. Which of the following statement is related with the provision of the Charter Act of 1833?

(a) Allowed the Company’s monopoly of tea trade and trade with China

(b) Put an end to the Company’s tea trade and trade with China

(c) Has not interfered with Company’s tea trade and trade with China

(d) Allowed the Company’s monopoly of tea trade and trade with China for ten years

Ans: (b)

107. The first definite and forceful expression of the concept of a separate homeland for the Muslims came from (or the Catcher of the idea of Pakistan was)

(a) Sir Mohammad Iqbal

(b) Rahmat Ali

(c) M A Jinnah

(d) Liaqat Ali

Ans: (a)

108. Which of the following influenced the makers of Indian Constitution?

(a) The Constitution of China

(b) The Constitution of USSR

(c) The Constitution of USA

(d) The Constitution of Japan

Ans: (c)

109. Who was the Chairman of the Partition Council ?

(a) M. Munshi

(b) Jinnah

(c) Lord Mountbatten

(d) V.P. Menon

Ans: (b)

110. The young Nanu had a keen mind and was sent to a famous scholar, _______ Asan at Karunagapally, a village fifty miles away from his home, at the age of 21.

(a) Madan Asan

(b) Kummampilli Raman Pillai

(c) Krishnan Vaidyan

(d) Kumaran Asan

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

111. “Sir Saiyad was a prophet of education” who said this?

(a) Mahatma Gandhi

(b) Sree Narayana Guru

(c) Chattambi Swamikal

(d) Tilak

Ans: (a)

112. Why was the Second Round Table Conference failed?

(a) Priority to be given to communal question

(b) Suspension of Civil Disobedience Movement

(c) Grant of Dominion Status

(d) Date of transfer of power

Ans: (a) MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

113. My strongest bulwark is gone lamented Mahatma Gandhi on the death of

(a) Gopalakrishna Gokhale

(b) Motilal Nehru

(c) Pheroze Shah Mehta

(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Ans: (d)

114. The Dandi March undertaken by Gandhi was

(a) A routine March

(b) A part of the Quit India Movement

(c) A part of the Civil Disobedience Movement

(d) A demonstration of Congress power

Ans: (c)

115. As per the Act of 1919, the Council of India would consist of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of __________ members.

(a) 15

(b) 12

(c) 10

(d) 20

Ans: (b)

116. The author of ‘A Nation in the Making’ was

(a) S N Banerjee

(b) Mahatma Gandhi

(c) Hume

(d) Tilak

Ans: (a)

117. Under pressure from his family, Nanu married______, the daughter of a traditional village doctor.

(a) Kaliamma

(b) Kaliamma

(c) Rohini

(d) Meenkshi Amma

Ans: (b)

118. Sindhia’s troops were defeated by General Wellesley at

(a) Bessein

(b) Assaye

(c) Tanjore

(d) Poona

Ans: (b)

119. The Golden Jubilee of the Indian National Congress (1885-1935) fell in 1935, which was observed during the session held at

(a) Karachi

(b) Lucknow

(c) Faizpur

(d) Nowhere

Ans: (d)

120. Which one among the following pairs of battle is correctly matched?

(a) The 2nd battle of Tarain:Defeat of Jaichand of Kannauj by Muhammad Ghori

(b) The first battle of Panipat:Defeat of Sikander Lodi by Babur

(c) The battle of Chausa:Defeat of Humayun by SherShah

(d) The battle of Khanwa:Defeat of Rana Pratap by Akbar

Ans: (c)

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

121.  The famous resolution on Non-Cooperation under the inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi was adopted in a special session of Congress held at Calcutta in

(a) September 1920.

(b) December 1922.

(c) October 1924.

(d) November 1925.

Ans: (a)

122. Mahatma Gandhi had been joined the Champaran struggle by

(a) Vallabhbhai Patel and Vinoba Bhave

(b) Rajendra Prasad and Anugraha Narayan Sinha

(c) Mahadev Desai and Maniben Patel

(d) Rajendra Prasad and Jawaharlal Nehru

Ans: (d)

123. Guru died on 20 September, _______ .

(a) 1902

(b) 1908

(c) 1918

(d) 1928

Ans: (d)

124. As per Cabinet Mission Plan, the strength of the Constituent Assembly would be

(a) 389

(b) 289

(c) 250

(d) 350

Ans: (a)

125. November 26, 1949 is a significant day in our constitutional history because

(a) India took a pledge of complete independence on this day

(b) The constitution was adopted on this day

(c) India became a Republic on this day

(d) The first amendment of the constitution was passed on this day

Ans: (b) MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

126. Which of the following was not contained in the Cripps Offer?

(a) Dominion Status to India

(b) Constituent Assembly

(c) Control of Defence of India by the Indian National Government

(d) Right to take part in highest Counsels

Ans: (c)

127. In 1913 . . . . . founded the Advaita Ashram at Aluva.

(a) Narayana Guru

(b) Mahatma Gandhi

(c) Chattambi Swamikal

(d) K.Madhavan

Ans: (a)

128. Which of the following Congress leader rejected the ‘August Offer’ of 1940?

(a) Lord Wavell

(b) Lord Linlithgow

(c) Sir George Stanley

(d) Lord Willingdon

Ans: (b)

129. Which of the following statement is incorrect about the Act of 1919?

(a) British India must an integral part of the British Empire

(b) Responsible government would be realised only by progressive stages

(c) Provincial subjects were classified into reserved subjects ; transferred subjects

(d) The salary of the Secretary of State for India was drawn out of the revenues of Indian government

Ans: (d)

130. According to Gandhi, ahimsa could not be construed to mean

(a) truth

(b) a positive state of law

(c) tolerance of the wrong and unjust

(d) doing good even to the evildoers

Ans: (c)

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

131. Narayana Guru’s later literary and philosophical masterpiece ‘Atmopadesa Satakam’ was written in_______ .

(a) Tamil

(b) Malayalam

(c) Sanskrit

(d) Hindi

Ans: (b)

132. The film ‘Mangal Pandey’ released in August 2005 deals with

(a) Jallianwala Bagh tragedy

(b) Netaji Subash Bose’s fight against British occupation of India

(c) The first war of Indian Independence in 1857

(d) The partition of India and Pakistan

Ans: (c)

133. As per the Act of 1853 the Governor-General’s Council was enlarged for the purpose of

(a) Defence

(b) Legislation

(c) Finance

(d) Security

Ans: (b)

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134. The Hindu of Madras started in 1868 as a weekly, became a Daily in

(a) 1889

(b) 1899

(c) 1890

(d) 1855

Ans: (a) MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

135. In which year was Burma separated from India?

(a) 1863

(b) 1902

(c) 1937

(d) 1947

Ans: (c)

136. August Offer’ was issued on __________ 1940.

(a) 8 August

(b) 15 August

(c) 20 August

(d) 30 August

Ans: (a)

137. Murshid Quli Khan, Alivardi Khan and Sirajuddaullah were all nawabs of_______ ?

(a) Lucknow

(b) Varanasi

(c) Hyderabad

(d) Bengal

Ans: (d)

138. Who was not among the three revolutionaries who were hanged on March 23, 1931?

(a) Bhagat Singh

(b) Azad

(c) Rajguru

(d) Sukhdev

Ans: (b)

139. The Wahabis operated from

(a) Western Ghat

(b) Khyber Pass

(c) Hindukush

(d) Palghat

Ans: (c)

140. Who declared ‘Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it’?

(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

(b) Bal Gangadhara Tilak

(c) Lala Lajpat Rai

(d) K.T Telang

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

141. Who said ‘The Simmon Commission Report should be thrown on a heap of rubbish’?

(a) Mahatma Gandhi

(b) Shivaswami Iyer

(c) Mohammad Ali Jinnah

(d) Jawaharlal Nehru

Ans: (b)

142. ‘India for the Indians’ was the political message of

(a) D E Wacha

(b) Vivekanand

(c) Dayanand

(d) Hume

Ans: (c)

143. Baba Ram Singh passed away on November 29, _____ .

(a) 1885

(b) 1887

(c) 1889

(d) 1923

Ans: (a) MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

144. Mahatma Gandhi compared Pheroze Shah Mehta with the Himalayas, Tilak with the Ocean and Gokhale with

(a) the Sky

(b) the Ganges

(c) the Gangotri

(d) the Mansarovar Lake

Ans: (b)

145. Atmopadesa Satakam is the work of _______ .

(a) Dr. Palpu

(b) Chattambi Swamikal

(c) N K Modi

(d) Sree Narayana Guru

Ans: (d)

146. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak hailed form

(a) Bengal

(b) Kashmir

(c) Maharashtra

(d) Tamil Nadu

Ans: (c)

147. The decline of Indian Handicrafts industry in the 19th century was attributed to

(a) Competition from British manufacturing industries

(b) Disappearance of Indian Princely Courts

(c) Establishment of alien rule

(d) All of the above

Ans: (d)

148. ‘Nirvruthi Panchakam’ was written by _____ .

(a) Kailash Das

(b) Kesavan

(c) Chattambi Swamikal

(d) Sree Narayana Guru

Ans: (d)

149. Zamindari Association was the ……….. political association of modern India.

(a) First

(b) Second

(c) Third

(d) Fourth

Ans: (a)

150. Who was the Nawab of Bengal during “Battle of Plassey”?

(a) Mir Jafar

(b) Mir Qasim

(c) Sirajudduala

(d) None of these

Ans: (c)

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

151. Who attended the Imperial Durbar of 1877 dressed in hand-spun Khadi?

(a) M.K. Gandhi

(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(c) Bipin Chandra Pal

(d) Ganesh Vasudev Joshi

Ans: (d)

152. The Government of India Act of 1935 borrowed its preamble from

(a) The Constitution of the USA

(b) The Constitution of Australia

(c)  From the Government of India Act of 1919

(d) From Pitt’s India Act

Ans: (c)

153. Which of the following statements about the Government of India Act of 1935 is not correct?

(a) Diarchy was established in the provinces

(b) The Viceroy was given special powers

(c) The federal executive was to consist of the Viceroy councillors and the ministers

(d) The federal legislature was to be bicameral

Ans: (a) MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

154. Which of the following statements is not correct?, The materials for the Government of India Act of 1935 were drawn from

(a) The Simon Commission Report

(b) The Nehru Committee Report

(c) The White Paper issued by the British Government

(d) Morley-Minto Reforms

Ans: (d)

155. The Rohelas helped the Afghan invaders in 1761 in the Battle of

(a) Bauxar

(b) Plassey

(c) Arcot

(d) Panipat

Ans: (d)

156. The landmarks or Dalhousie’s administration did not include

(a) Indian Railways

(b) English as the medium of instruction

(c) Public works department

(d) Telegraph

Ans: (b)

157. Commissioners for the Affairs of India were known as

(a) Court of Directors

(b) Board of Directors

(c) Board of Control

(d) Board of Merchants

Ans: (c)

158. Where did the so-called ‘Black Hole Tragedy’ take place ?

(a) Daccan

(b) Monghyr

(c) Calcutta

(d) Murshidabad

Ans: (c)

159. Mahatma Gandhi began his political activities in India first from

(a) Dandi

(b) Kheda

(c) Sabarmati

(d) Champaran

Ans: (d)

160. According to Dadabhai Naoroji ‘Swaraj’ means

(a) Complete independence

(b) Self government

(c) Economic independence

(d) Political independence

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

161. Which one of the following was not a French settlement in India?

(a) Puducherry

(b) Mahe

(c) Goa

(d) Chandannagar

Ans: (c)

162. AI Hilal was a

(a) Mosque

(b) Journal

(c) Madrasah

(d) Garden

Ans: (b)

163. Subhash Bose established the Provisional Government of Free India at

(a) Berlin

(b) Bangkok

(c) Singapore

(d) Tokyo

Ans: (c) MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

164. The Permanent settlement introduced by Cornwallis is in Bengal is known as

(a) Roytwari System

(b) Mahalwari System

(c) Zamindari System

(d) Iqtadari System

Ans: (c)

165. Who contemptuously referred to Mahatma Gandhi as a halfnaked fakir?

(a) Lord Wavell

(b) Lord Irwin

(c) Lord Willingdon

(d) Winston Churchill

Ans: (d)

166. Who called Sree Narayana Guru as ‘The Second Buddha’?

(a) G. Sankara Kurup

(b) Swami Vivekananda

(c) Bodhananda Swamikal

(d) Moorkoth Kumaran

Ans: (a)

167. The office of Governor-General of India was created by the

(a) Government of India Act 1833

(b) Government of India Act 1858

(c) Charter Act 1833

(d) Charter Act 1813

Ans: (c)

168. Who was the first Governor General of the new Indian Dominion?

(a) Rajendra Prasad

(b) Vallabhbhai Patel

(c) Rajagopalachari

(d) Lord Mountbatten

Ans: (d)

169. Who among the following controlled maximum trade in the western coastal region during 17th century?

(a) Portuguese

(b) Dutch

(c) The house of Jagat Seth

(d) Mulla Abdul Gaffar

Ans: (a)

170. On October 16, 1905, when the partition of Bengal was enforced, the great poet Rabindranath Tagore, to emphasise the unity of Bengal, suggested the programme of

(a) singing Bande Mataram

(b) tying of Rakhi on each other’s wrists

(c) composing of patriotic songs

(d) establishing national educational institutions

Ans: (b)

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

171. In early 1898 Swami Vivekananda acquired a big plot of land on the western bank of the Ganga at a place called . . . . . to have a permanent abode for the monastery and monastic order originally started at Baranagar, and got it registered as Ramakrishna Math after a couple of years

(a) Allahabad

(b) Lahore

(c) Amritsar

(d) Belur

Ans: (d)

172. Calcutta medical college in______ .

(a) 1735

(b) 1745

(c) 1832

(d) 1835

Ans: (d)

173. Who spoke “At the stroke of midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India awakes to life and freedom”?

(a) Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

(b) Mahatma Gandhi

(c) Jawaharlal Nehru

(d) Rajagopalachari

Ans: (c)

174. ‘Daiva Dasakam’ is a Malayalam work of _____ .

(a) Sree Narayana Guru

(b) Chattambi Swamikal

(c)  Aria Appa

(d) T.K.Madhavan

Ans: (a)

175. Who gave the title of “Mahamana” to Madan Mohan Malviya?

(a) Dada Bhai Naoroji

(b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

(c) Rabindra Nath Tagore

(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Ans: (c)

176. The enquiry Committee on Jallianwaia Bagh incident was headed by

(a) Dyer

(b) Irwin

(c) Hunter

(d) Simon

Ans: (c)

177. Pitt’s India Act brought the company in direct subordination to a body representing _______ .

(a) The Parliament of Britain

(b) The English Merchants in India

(c) The Indian Merchants

(d) Princely States

Ans: (a) MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

178. Lord Mountbatten had held detailed discussions on the approaching partition of India with

(a) Mohammed Ali Jinnah

(b) Jawaharlal Nehru

(c) Mahatma Gandhi

(d) All of the above

Ans: (d)

179. The most famous woman disciple of Vivekananda was

(a) Madam Blavatsky

(b) Annie Besant

(c) Sister Nivedita

(d) Sarojini Naidu

Ans: (c)

180. After the defeat at Plassey, Siraj-ud-daullah was assassinated and ………….. was made the nawab

(a) Mir Jafar

(b) Mir Qasim

(c) Haider Ali

(d) Tipu Sultan

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

181. Which of these battles proved decisive in the Anglo French rivalry in India?

(a) Battle of Wandiwash

(b) Battle of Plassey

(c) Battle of Mysore

(d) Battle of Seringapatnam

Ans: (a)

182. The capital of Tipu Sultan, where he died while fighting the Fourth Anglo-Mysore war in 1799, was

(a) Bangalore

(b) Mysore

(c) Srirangapatam

(d) Halebid

Ans: (c)

183. In which year was the Indian Home Rule Society founded?

(a) 1905

(b) 1908

(c) 1911

(d) 1914

Ans: (a)

184. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on

(a) March 10, 1930

(b) March 20, 1931

(c) March 20,1932

(d) March 5,1931

Ans: (d) MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

185. Among the numerous followers of Gandhi’s ‘philosophy’ was/were

(a) Bertrand Russell

(b) Marshal Tito

(c) Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan

(d) All of the above

Ans: (c)

186. Who worte “Sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna Ab Hamaare Dil Mein Hai”?

(a) Mohammad Iqbal

(b) Ramprasad Bismil

(c) Kazi Nazrul Islam

(d) Firaq Gorakhpuri

Ans: (b)

187. In 1893 _______represented The Theosophical Society at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago.

(a) Annie Besant

(b) George Thompson

(c) GF Remfry

(d) Ramgopal Ghosh

Ans: (a)

188. The All India Muslim league was founded by

(a) Maulana Ahmed Ali

(b) Mohammad Ali Jinnah

(c) Agha Khan

(d) Hakim Ajmal Khan

Ans: (c)

189. The Frontier Gandhi actively participated in

(a) Khilafat Movement

(b) Non-Cooperation Movement

(c) Civil Disobedience Movement

(d) All the above

Ans: (c) MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

190. Viewing the pathetic condition of widows and unfortunate children Jyotirao decided to open an orphanage called _______ .

(a) Satya Shodhak Samaj

(b) Arya Samaj

(c) Brahma Samaj

(d) Ramakrishna Mission

Ans: (a)

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

191. Who was the moving spirit behind the oganization of the Ghadar Party?

(a) Lala Hardayal

(b) V D Savarkar

(c) Mahatma Gandhi

(d) Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

Ans: (a)

192. Of the following who was a poet and political thinker?

(a) Gandhi

(b) Jinnah

(c) Mohd. Iqbal

(d) Patel

Ans: (c)

193. Who had scrapped the partition of Bengal?

(a) Lord Hardinge

(b) Lord Mountbatten

(c) Lord Lytton

(d) Lord Wellesley

Ans: (a)

194. The first plans for an Indian railway system was made by

(a) Minto

(b) Amherst

(c) Hardinge

(d) Cornwallis

Ans: (c)

195. Who composed the song “Sare Jahan Se Achha Hindostan Hamara”?

(a) Mohammed Iqbal

(b) Josh Malihabadi

(c) Bhagat Singh

(d) Chandra Shekhar Azad

Ans: (a)

196. The song Jana-Gana-Mana composed by Rabindranath Tagore was first published in January 1912 under the title of

(a) Tatva Bodhini

(b) Morning Song of India

(c) Bharat Vidhata

(d) Rashtra Jagrati

Ans: (c)

197. To whom is the statement “Cowardice and ahimsa do not go together any more than water and fire” attributed?

(a) Acharya Narendra Dev

(b) M K Gandhi

(c) Swami Vivekananda

(d) Jayaprakash Narayan

Ans: (b) MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

198. Who of the following was associated with the publication of a large number of weeklies and dailies such as Hindustan, Indian Union, Leader, Maryada, Kissan, Abhudaya etc.?

(a) Motilal Nehru

(b) Jawaharlal Nehru

(c) Madan Mohan Malaviya

(d) Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi

Ans: (d)

199. The first truly revolutionary organisation in Bengal was

(a) Anusilan Samiti

(b) Yugantar

(c) Abhinava Bharata

(d) Abhinava Bharat Society

Ans: (a)

200. ‘Brahmavidya Panchakam’ is a Sanskrit work of ________ .

(a) Sree Narayana Guru

(b) Chattambi Swamikal

(c) K. Madhvan Nair

(d) Dr. Palpu

Ans: (a) 0 0 0.

MCQs on Modern Indian History 2

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