MCQs on One Word Substitution 2


MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

Q. Choose the single-word substitution of the given sentence or phrase from the options. 

101. A person who lends money at a very high rate of interest

(a) Unanimous

(b) Usurer

(c) Cartoonist

(d) Banker

Ans: (b). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

102. A person who eats too much

(a) Glutton

(b) Nibbler

(c) Cannibal

(d) Omnivore

Ans: (a)

103. A place for ammunition and weapons 

(a) Asylum

(b) Arsenal

(c) Archives

(d) Acoustics

Ans: (b). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

104. An examination of a dead body is called

(a) Amputate

(b) Autopsy

(c) Morgue

(d) Crusade

Ans: (b)

105. A large enclosure for keeping birds

(a) Zoo

(b) Aquarium

(c) Aviary

(d) Homicide

Ans: (c) 

106. General pardon of political offenders

(a) Amnesty

(b) Despotism

(c) Autocracy

(d) Excuse

Ans: (a)

107. A person who writes in a newspaper

(a) Writer

(b) Author

(c) Journalist

(d) Reporter

Ans: (c) 

108. A place where monks live as a secluded community

(a) Cathedral

(b) Diocese

(c) Convent

(d) Monastery

Ans: (d). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

109. One absorbed in his own thoughts and feelings rather than in things outside

(a) Scholar

(b) Recluse

(c) Introvert

(d) Intellectual

Ans: (c)

110. A schoolboy who cuts classes frequently is a

(a) Defeatist

(b) Sycophant

(c) Truant

(d) Martinet

Ans: (c)

111. Ready to believe things

(a) Credulous

(b) Credible

(c) Creditable

(d) Incredible

Ans: (a)

112. Medical study of skin and its diseases

(a) Dermatology

(b) Doctor

(c) Nurse

(d) Occult

Ans: (a 

113. That which is perceptible by touch is

(a) Contagious

(b) Contingent

(c) Tenacious

(d) Tangible

Ans: (d). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

114. Incapable of being seen through

(a) Ductile

(b) Opaque

(c) Obsolete

(d) Potable

Ans: (b). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

115. One who hostile to culture and art

(a) Primitive

(b) Illiterate

(c) Philistine

(d) Barbarian

Ans: (c)

116. A large sleeping room with many beds

(a) Bedroom

(b) Dormitory

(c) Hostel

(d) Basement

Ans: (b)

117. The continuing fight between parties, families, clans etc.

(a) Enmity

(b) Feud

(c) Quarrel

(d) Skirmish

Ans:  (b)

118. A building for storing threshed grain

(a) Hangar

(b) Dockyard

(c) Store

(d) Granary

Ans: (d). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

119. Policeman riding on motorcycles as guards to a VIP

(a) Outriders

(b) Servants

(c) Commandos

(d) Attendants

Ans: (a)

120. A Person who has a strong desire for revenge for wrongs done to him

(a) Virulent

(b) Vindictive

(c) Usurer

(d) Vindicator

Ans: (b) 

121. Murder of a king

(a) Infanticide

(b) Matricide

(c) Genocide

(d) Regicide

Ans: (d). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

122. An expression of mild disapproval

(a) Warning

(b) Denigration

(c) Impertinence

(d) Reproof

Ans: (d)

123. Very pleasing to eat

(a) Appetising

(b) Palatable

(c) Tantalising

(d) Sumptuous

Ans: (b). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

124. A person who tries to deceive people by claiming to be able to do wonderful things

(a) Trickster

(b) Imposter

(c) Mountebank

(d) Magician

Ans: (a)

125. The custom of having many wives:

(a) Misogamy

(b) Polygamy

(c) Monogamy

(d) Bigamy

Ans: (b)

126. A person who does not believe in the existence of God:

(a) Theist

(b) Heretic

(c) Atheist

(d) Fanatic

Ans: (c). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

127. A person who loves everybody

(a) Cosmopolitan

(b) Fratricide

(c) Altruistic

(d) Aristocrat

Ans: (c) 

128.  A disease which spreads by contact: 

(a) Incurable

(b) Infectious

(c) Contagious

(d) Fatal

Ans: (c)

129. A pioneer of a reform movement:

(a) Apostle

(b) Apothecary

(c) Apotheosis

(d) Renegade

Ans: (a) 

130. A man who rarely speaks the truth:

(a) Crook

(b) Liar

(c) Scoundrel

(d) Hypocrite

Ans: (b) 

131. A  Person or thing that is supposed to bring good luck

(a) Mask

(b) Mosque

(c) Masque

(d) Mascot

Ans: (d)

132. One who does not marry, especially as a religious obligation

(a) Bachelor

(b) Celibate

(c) Virgin

(d) Recluse

Ans: (b). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

133. A person who renounces the world and practices self-discipline in order to attain salvation

(a) Sceptic

(b) Ascetic

(c) Antiquarian

(d)  Devotee

Ans: (b)

134. A lady’s umbrella is:

(a) Parasol

(b) Granary

(c) Epitaph

(d) Aviary


135. One who cannot be easily pleased

(a) Cosmopolitan

(b) Frightening

(c) Fastidious

(d) Feminist

Ans: (c). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

136. International destruction of racial groups:

(a) Matricide

(b) Regicide

(c) Genocide

(d) Homicide

Ans: (c). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

137. One who believes in the power of fate 

(a) Fatalist

(b) Optimist

(c) Parsimonious

(d) Pessimist

Ans: (a). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

138. An act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play

(a) Sinecure

(b) Soliloquy

(c) Philanthropist

(d) Actor

Ans: (b). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

139.One who abandons his religious faith:

(a) Apostate

(b) Prostate

(c) Profane

(d) Agnostic

Ans: (a). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

140. The story of old-time gods or heroes is

(a) Lyric

(b) Epic

(c) Legend

(d) Romance

Ans: (c). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

141. The murder of Brother

(a) Homicide

(b) Regicide

(c)  Fratricide

(d) Suicide

Ans: (c). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

142. A remedy for all diseases

(a) Narcotics

(b) Antiseptic

(c) Panacea

(d) Lyric

Ans: (c)

143. A hater of knowledge and learning

(a) Bibliophile

(b) Philologist

(c) Misogynist

(d) Misologist

Ans: (d)

144. A sad song:

(a) Ditty

(b) Knell

(c) Dirge

(d) Lay

Ans: (c)

145. To examine one’s own thoughts and feelings:

(a) Introspection

(b) Reflection

(c) Retrospection

(d) Meditation

Ans: (a). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

146. Use of force or threats to get someone to agree to something:

(a) Cajolement

(b) Conviction

(c) Confession

(d) Coercion 

Ans: (d)

147. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool

(a) Imbecility

(b) Youth

(c) Dotage

(d) Weakage

Ans: (c). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

148. State in which the few govern the many

(a) Monarchy

(b) Oligarchy

(c) Plutocracy

(d) Autocracy

Ans: (b). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

149. A person who knows many foreign languages

(a) Linguist

(b) Bilingual

(c) Polyglot

(d) Grammarian

Ans: (c)

150. A  person who pretends to have more knowledge than he really has:

(a) Crook

(b) Apotheosis

(c) Renegade

(d) Charlatan

Ans: (d). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

151. One who has good taste for food

(a) Gourmet

(b) Curator

(c) Parasite

(d) Stoic

Ans: (a). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

152. That which cannot be avoided

(a) Inevitable

(b) Irreparable

(c) Incomparable

(d) Acceptable

Ans: (a). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

153. Government by rich:

(a) Oligarchy

(b) Aristocracy

(c) Pantisocracy

(d) Plutocracy

Ans: (d). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

154. Group of stars

(a) Constellation

(b) Orbit

(c) Solar system

(d) Comet

Ans: (a). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

155. A disease that spreads over a large area:

(a) Academic

(b) Epidemic

(c) Incorrigible

(d) Invincible

Ans: (b)

156. An independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute:

(a) Arbiter

(b) Mediator

(c) Agent provocateur

(d) Arbitrator

Ans: (d). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

157. That which can never be believed:

(a) Irrevocable

(b) Inevitable

(c) Incredible

(d) Irritable

Ans: (c). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

158. Murder of man:

(a) Regicide

(b) Fratricide

(c) Homicide

(d) Genocide

Ans: (c). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

159. Open to injury or Criticism

(a) Invincible

(b) Vulnerable

(c) Naive

(d) Sensitive

Ans: (b)

160. One who knows two languages:

(a) Bigot

(b) Bigamy

(c) Bilingual

(d) Brittle

Ans: (c)

161. One who is able to use the right and left hands equally well:

(a) Ambidextrous

(b) Sinister

(c) Ambivalent

(d) Amateur

Ans: (a) 

162. An animal that feeds on plants:

(a) Carnivorous

(b) Herbivorous

(c) Insectivorous

(d) Graminivorous

Ans: (b)

163. Government by the representatives of the people:

(a) Autocracy

(b) Democracy

(c) Socialism

(d) Anarchy

Ans: (b). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

164. The custom or practice of having more than one husband at the same time

(a) Polychromy

(b) Polyphony

(c) Polyandry

(d) Polygyny

Ans: (c)

165. The study of ancient societies

(a) Anthropology

(b) History

(c) Archaeology

(d) Ethnology

Ans: (c)

166. One who possesses many talents

(a) Versatile

(b) Nubile

(c) Exceptional

(d) Gifted

Ans: (a)

167. A narrow piece of land connecting two large masses of land:

(a) Peninsula

(b) Isthmus

(c) Continent

(d) Gulf

Ans: (b). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

168. A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power

(a) Expert

(b) Intellectual

(c) Snob

(d) Literate

Ans: (b) 

169. Leave or remove from a place which considered dangerous

(a) Evade

(b) Evacuate

(c) Exterminate

(d) Avoid

Ans: (b)

170. Words inscribed on tomb

(a) Epitome

(b) Epistle

(c) Epilogue

(d) Epitaph

Ans: (d)

171. One who collects coins as a hobby

(a) Philatelist

(b) Ornithologist

(c) Statistician

(d) Numismatist

Ans: (d). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

172. A person who insists on something

(a) Disciplinarian

(b) Stickler

(c) Instantaneous

(d) Boaster

Ans: (b). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

173. A person pretending to be somebody he is not

(a) Magician

(b) Rogue

(c) Liar

(d) Impostor

Ans: (d)

174. That which cannot be seen

(a) Insensible

(b) Intangible

(c) Invisible

(d) Unseen

Ans: (c). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

175. A person not sure of the existence of God

(a) Cynic

(b) Agnostic

(c) Atheist

(d) Theist

Ans: (b)

176. Tending to move away from the centre or axis

(a) Centrifugal

(b) Centripetal

(c) Axiomatic

(d) Awry

Ans: (a)

177. A name adopted by an author in his writings

(a) Pseudonym

(b) Nickname

(c) Nomenclature

(d) Title

Ans: (a). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

178. Study of birds

(a) Orology

(b) Ontology

(c) Ophthalmology

(d) Ornithology

Ans: (d)

179. A religious discourse

(a) Preach

(b) Stanza

(c) Sanctorum

(d) Sermon

Ans: (d). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

180. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river’s banks

(a) Archipelago

(b) Isthmus

(c) Hinterland

(d) Swamps

Ans: (c)

181. Giving undue favours to one’s own kith and kin

(a) Nepotism

(b) Favouritism

(c) Worldliness

(d) Corruption

Ans: (a)

182. The absence of law and order

(a) Rebellion

(b) Anarchy

(c) Mutiny

(d) Revolt

Ans: (b). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

183. One who is fond of fighting

(a) Bellicose

(b) Aggressive

(c) Belligerent

(d) Militant

Ans: (a)

184. To slap with a flat object

(a) Chop

(b) Hew

(c) Gnaw

(d) Swat

Ans: (d). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

185. A paper written by hand

(a) Handicraft

(b) Manuscript

(c) Handiwork

(d) Thesis

Ans: (b)

186. A person interested in collecting, studying and selling old things

(a) Antiquarian

(b) dealer

(c) Archaeologist

(d) Crank

Ans: (a). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

187. A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics, etc.

(a) Store

(b) Stall

(c) Boutique

(d) Booth

Ans: (c)

188. Habitually silent or talking little

(a) Servile

(b) Taciturn

(c) Unequivocal

(d) Synoptic

Ans: (b)

189. The act of violating the sanctity of holy place

(a) Blasphemy

(b) Heresy

(c)  Sacrilege

(d) Veneration

Ans: (c)

190. A drawing on transparent paper

(a) Red print

(b) Blueprint

(c) Transparency

(d) Negative

Ans: (c)

191. That which cannot be read

(a) Negligible

(b) Incorrigible

(c) Ineligible

(d) Illegible 

Ans: (d). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

192. Something that can be heard

(a) Auditory

(b) Audio-visual

(c) Audible

(d) Audition

Ans: (c)

193. In a state of tension or anxiety or suspense

(a) Off-balance

(b) Depressed

(c) On tenterhooks

(d) Diffused

Ans: (c) 

194. A person who speaks many languages

(a) Linguist

(b) Polyglot

(c) Monolingual

(d) Bilingual

Ans: (b)

195. To take secretly in small quantities

(a) Robbery

(b) Pilferage

(c) Defalcation

(d) Theft

Ans: (b). MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

196. A place where bees are kept is called

(a) An apiary

(b) A mole

(c) A sanctuary

(d) A hive

Ans: (a)

 197. Prevention of wasteful use of a resource

(a) Embarkment

(b) Promotion

(c) Conservation

(d) Management

Ans: (c)

198. A list of goods with their prices along with the parcel so that the payment can be done immediately.

(a) Agenda

(b) Invoice

(c) Catalogue

(d) Inventory

Ans: (b)

550. Study of environment

(a) Geography

(b) Ethnology

(c) Geology

(d) Ecology

Ans: (d). 0 0 0.

MCQs on One Word Substitution 2

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