Single Word Substitution 4


Single Word Substitution 4

Single Word Substitution 4

Single Word Substitution 4

Single Word Substitution 4

Q. Choose the single-word substitution of the given sentence or phrase from the options. 

301. One who uses fear as a weapon of power

(a) Terrorist

(b)  Militant

(c) Extremist

(d) Anarchist

Ans: (a). Single Word Substitution 4

302. Not conforming to ordinary rules of behaviour

(a) Lunatic

(b) Absurd

(c) Eccentric

(d) Maniacal

Ans: (c)

303. One who compiles a dictionary

(a) Calligrapher

(b)  Editor

(c) Lexicographer

(d) Compiler

Ans: (c)

304. A man who starves body for the good of the soul

(a) Monk

(b) Ascetic

(c) Spiritualist

(d) Saint

Ans: (b)

305. A person with full  powers to act on behalf of a country

(a) Ambassador

(b) Emissary

(c) Plenipotentiary

(d) Envoy

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

306. Dungeon entered by a trapdoor

(a) Cellar

(b) Ditch

(c) Vault

(d) Oubliette

Ans: (d)

307. A sudden rush of wind

(a) Gale

(b) Typhoon

(c) Gust

(d) Storm

Ans: (c)

308. A person who is reserved in talks

(a) Reticent

(b) Silent

(c) Mendicant

(d) Garrulous

Ans: (a)

309. Design made by coloured pieces of glass or stones

(a) Oleograph

(b) Mosaic

(c) Tracery

(d) Relief

Ans: (b)

310. One desirous of getting  more money

(a) Avaricious

(b) Voracious

(c) Garrulous

(d) Greedy

Ans: (a)

311. A person who helps you break the law

(a) Accomplice

(b) Ally

(c) Collaborator

(d) Spy

Ans: (a). Single Word Substitution 4

312. To talk much without coming to the point

(a) Verbosity

(b) Garrulous

(c) Circumlocution

(d) Loquacity

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

313. The school or college in which one has been educated

(a) Matinee

(b) Alumni

(c) Alma mater

(d) Calvin

Ans: (c)

114. A person who is always dissatisfied

(a) Heretic

(b) Felon

(c) Malcontent

(d) Surrogate

Ans: (c)

315. Short descriptive poem of picturesque scene or incident

(a) Malady

(b) Sonnet

(c) Idyll

(d) Charade

Ans: (c)

316. A woman whose husband is dead

(a) Virgin

(b) Spinster

(c) Wedlock

(d) Widow

Ans: (d). . Single Word Substitution 4

317. One who is interested in the welfare of women

(a) Feminine

(b) Flamboyant

(c) Effeminate

(d) Feminist 

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

318. Constant effort to achieve something

(a) Perseverance

(b) Attempt

(c) Enthusiasm

(d) Vigour

Ans: (a)

319. To take one to task

(a) Disgrace

(b) Handle

(c) Entreat

(d) Rebuke

Ans: (d)

320. A person who speaks or supports an idea

(a) Pioneer

(b) Adviser

(c) Advocate

(d) Ideologist

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

321. Time after twilight and before night 

(a) Evening

(b) Dawn

(c) Dusk

(d) Eclipse

Ans: (c) 

322. A group of three novels or plays, each complete in itself

(a) Triplet

(b) Triumvir

(c) Trilogy

(d) Trivet

Ans: (c) . Single Word Substitution 4

323. A short stay at a place

(a) Halt

(b) Interlude

(c) Intermission

(d) Sojourn

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

324. Government by the gods

(a) Plutocracy

(b) Theocracy

(c) Pantisocracy

(d) Thearchy

Ans: (d)

325. A small piece of wood

(a) Splinter

(b) Crumb

(c) Scrap

(d) Chip

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

326. The mania for setting fires

(a) Pyromania

(b) Kleptomania

(c) Logomania

(d) Nymphomania

Ans: (a)

327. One whose attitude is: ‘eat, drink and be merry’

(a) Epicurean

(b) Cynic

(c) Materialistic

(d) Stoic

Ans: (a)

328.  Loss of power to move in any or every part of the body 

(a) Rheumatism

(b) Paralysis

(c) Eczema

(d) Leprosy

Ans: (b). Single Word Substitution 4

329. The science of judging a person’s character, capabilities, etc. from an examination of the shape of his skull

(a) Physiology

(b) Anthropology

(c) Phrenology

(d) Morphology

Ans: (c)

330. Responsible according to law

(a) Liable

(b) Eligible

(c) Legalised

(d) Legitimate

Ans: (a)

331. The power of reading the thoughts of others

(a) Psychopathy

(b) Telecommunication

(c) Psychology

(d) Telepathy

Ans: (a)

332. An instrument for viewing objects at a distance

(a) Microscope

(b) Telescope

(c) Periscope

(d) Kaleidoscope

Ans: (b) 

333. Animals living on land and in water

(a) Ambiguous

(b) Amphibian

(c) Ambivalent

(d) Amorphous

Ans: (b). Single Word Substitution 4

334. A women trained to help other women in childbirth

(a) Virgin

(b) Midwife

(c) Matron

(d) Nurse

Ans: (b). Single Word Substitution 4

335. The original inhabitants of a country

(a) Aborigines

(b) Citizens

(c) Natives

(d) Primitive

Ans: (a)

336. Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others

(a) Malevolence

(b) Bigotry

(c) Masochism

(d) Sadism

Ans: (d)

337. A political leader who tries to stir up people

(a) Demagogue

(b) Dictator

(c) Statesman

(d) Martinet

Ans: (a). Single Word Substitution 4

338. To disrespect a sacred place

(a) Sacrilege

(b) Blasphemy

(c) Consecrate

(d) Desecrate

Ans: (d)

339. One who pretends illness to escape duty

(a) Truant

(b) Malingerer

(c) Hypocrite

(d) Concubine

Ans: (b)

340. Atonement for one’s sins

(a) Redemption

(b) Repentance

(c) Salvation

(d) Expiation

Ans: (b)

341. Wistful longing for something one has known in the past

(a) Hysteria

(b) Logomania

(c) Megalomania

(d) Nostalgia

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

342. One filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm in a cause

(a) Martyr

(b) Pedant

(c) Fanatic

(d) Patriot

Ans: (c)

343. One who is likeable

(a) Amicable

(b) Amiable

(c) Effusive

(d) Ebullient

Ans: (b). Single Word Substitution 4

344. A man who operates on sick people

(a) Physician

(b) Operator

(c) Physiotherapist

(d) Surgeon

Ans: (d) 

345. A man of odd habits

(a) Eccentric

(b) Cynical

(c) Introvert

(d) Moody

Ans: (a). Single Word Substitution 4

346. Contempt of God

(a) Agnosticism

(b) Nihilism

(c) Blasphemy

(d) Atheism

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

347. A person who has long experience

(a) Stalwart

(b) Pedantic

(c) Itinerant

(d) Veteran

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

348. Of unknown and unadmitted authorship

(a) Gullible

(b) Anonymous

(c) Unanimous

(d) Vexation

Ans: (b). Single Word Substitution 4

349. A funny imitation of a poem

(a) Counterfeit

(b) Sonnet

(c) Caricature

(d) Parody

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

350. Use of more words than are needed to express the meaning

(a) Circumlocution

(b) Verbatim

(c) Ventriloquism

(d) Pleonasm

Ans: (d)

351. A person concerned with practical results and values

(a) Fundamentalist

(b) Plagiarist

(c) Pragmatist

(d) Realist

Ans: (c)

352. A person who maliciously destroys things by fire

(a) Antagonist

(b) Activist

(c) Terrorist

(d) Incendiary

Ans: (d)

353. Science of printing

(a) Calligraphy

(b) Typography

(c) Topography

(d) Cryptography

Ans: (b). Single Word Substitution 4

354. Member of a band of robbers

(a) Dacoit

(b) Brigand

(c) Thief

(d) Pirate

Ans: (b) 

355. A person holding a scholarship at a university

(a) Intellectual

(b) Pedant

(c) Scholar

(d) Bursar

Ans: (d)

356. A man whose wife is sexually unfaithful to him

(a) Dandy

(b) Bastard

(c) Concubine

(d) Cuckold

Ans: (d)

357. That which can be interpreted in any way

(a) Ambient

(b) Ambivalent

(c) Amphibious

(d) Ambiguous

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

358. The line which a plough cuts in the ground

(a) Vale

(b) Trench

(c) Furrow

(d) Trough

Ans: (c)

359. A person without manners or polish

(a) Rustic

(b) Naive

(c) Boorish

(d) Barbarian

Ans: (b). Single Word Substitution 4

360. Course for chariot  or horse races

(a) Sanatorium

(b) Hangar

(c) Hippodrome

(d) Arena

Ans: (c)

361. A speech by an actor at the end of a play

(a) Epilogue

(b) Monologue

(c) Duologue

(d) Prologue

Ans: (a). Single Word Substitution 4

362. A thing or person behind time

(a) Lazy

(b) Sluggish

(c) Indolent

(d) Antiquated

Ans: (d)

363. To bring peace, and end violence

(a) Soothe

(b) Harmonise

(c) Tranquilize

(d) Pacify

Ans: (d)

364. Decisions made upon a political question by the votes of all qualified persons

(a) Veto

(b) Suffrage

(c)  Plebiscite

(d) Franchise

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

365. Act of taking one’s life

(a) Immolation

(b) Slaughter

(c) Homicide

(d) Suicide

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

366. One who promotes the idea of the absence of government of any kind, when every man should be a law unto himself

(a) Anarchist

(b) Belligerent

(c) Iconoclast

(d) Agnostic

Ans: (a). Single Word Substitution 4

367. Careful in performing duties

(a) Punctual

(b) Punctilious

(c) Pugnacious

(d) Sincere

Ans: (b)

368. A place of ideal peace and happiness

(a) Asylum

(b) Utopia

(c) Eldorado

(d) Elysium

Ans: (d)

369. A field or a part of a garden where fruit trees grow

(a) Park

(b) Nursery

(c) Yard

(d) Orchard

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4 

370. The place where bricks are baked

(a) Foundry

(b) Mint

(c) Cemetery

(d) Kiln

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

371. Shining, brilliant and magnificent

(a) Luminous

(b) Gleaming

(c) Resplendent

(d) Polished

Ans: (c

372. The list of courses at a meal or of dishes that can be served in a restaurant

(a) Agenda

(b) Menu

(c) Biodata

(d) Catalogue

Ans: (b)

373. To do away with a rule law or agreement

(a) Cancel

(b) Repeal

(c) Obliterate

(d) Abrogate

Ans: (d)

374. A story in verse

(a) Elegy

(b) Hymn

(c) Sonnet

(d) Ballad

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

375. Something which is not thorough or profound

(a) Superficial

(b) Superstitious

(c) Superfluous

(d) Supernatural

Ans: (a). Single Word Substitution 4

376. An incompetent or stupid person

(a) Nigger

(b) Dud

(c) Snotty

(d) Duffer

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

377. The inability to decide between different opinions

(a) Adaptability

(b) Instability

(c) Versatility

(d) Vacillation

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

378. A room leading into a large room or hall

(a) Anteroom

(b) Lounge

(c) Lobby

(d)  Pantry

Ans: (a). Single Word Substitution 4

379. One who is neither intelligent nor dull

(a) Tolerable

(b) Commoner

(c) Mediocre

(d) Diligent

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

380. One who stirs people for personal politics or profit

(a) Pedagogue

(b) Demagogue

(c) Dictator

(d) Hypocrite

Ans: (b)

381. Surgical removal of a stone from the bladder or kidney

(a) Dichotomy

(b) Tubectomy

(c) Vasectomy

(d) Lithotomy

Ans: (d). Single Word Substitution 4

382. A person who travels to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion

(a) Hermit

(b) Pilgrim

(c) Saint

(d) Mendicant

Ans: (a). Single Word Substitution 4

383. The science dealing with the problems of the old

(a) Endocrinology

(b) Geriatrics

(c) Obstetrics

(d) Oncology

Ans: (b). Single Word Substitution 4

384. Newly coined word or expression

(a)  Malapropism

(b) Vocabulary

(c) Neologism

(d) Coinage

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

385. A man who dances to the tunes of his wife

(a) Effeminate

(b) Slave

(c) Henpecked

(d) Chum

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

386. One who loves books

(a) Bibliophobe

(b) Bibliographer

(c) Bibliophile

(d) Bibliophagist

Ans: (c)

387. Equal in rank, merit or quality

(a) Contemporary

(b) Chum 

(c) Peer

(d) Colleague

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

388. A person sharing responsibility for a political party’s discipline and tactics

(a) Statesman

(b) Diplomat

(c) Whip

(d) Defector

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

389. To break of proceedings of a meeting for a time

(a) Procrastinate

(b) Terminate

(c) Adjourn

(d) Convene

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

390. Books, pictures etc. intended to arouse sexual desire

(a) Lewd

(b) Licentious

(c) Pornography

(d) Erotica

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

391.  State of near unconsciousness

(a) Nap

(b) Insomnia

(c) Coma

(d) Stupor

Ans: (d) 

392. A written message in business

(a) Agendum

(b) Corrigendum

(c) Plagiarism

(d) Memorandum

Ans: (d)

393. Plain or self-evident truth

(a) Proverb

(b) Precept

(c) Truism

(d) Formula

Ans: (c). Single Word Substitution 4

394. A woman who has many casual sexual relationships with others

(a) Prostitute

(b)  Harlot

(c) Concubine

(d) Hostess

Ans: (b). Single Word Substitution 4

395. A person who makes love for amusement without serious intentions

(a) Concubine

(b) Philanderer

(c) Dandy

(d) Flirt

Ans: (b)

396. A fault or sin that may be forgiven

(a) Mercenary

(b) Inexcusable

(c) Unforgivable

(d) Venial

Ans: (d)

397. A person who gives written testimony for use in law court

(a) Deponent

(b) Appellant

(c) Witness

(d) Litigant

Ans: (a)

398. Allowance due to a wife from her husband on separation

(a) Bail

(b) Alimony

(c) Compensation

(d) Dole

Ans: (b)

399. A person whose chief interests are luxury and sexual gratification

(a) Masochist

(b) Voluptuary

(c) Debauch

(d) Epicure

Ans: (b)

400. One who specialises in the study of birds

(a) Ornithologist

(b) Naturalist

(c) Zoologist

(d) Biologist

Ans: (a) 0 0 0

Single Word Substitution 4

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