The Lake Isle of Innisfree | Question Solutions


The Lake Isle of Innisfree | Question Solutions

The Lake Isle of Innisfree Question Solutions

The Lake Isle of Innisfree | Question Solutions

-William Butler Yeats

The Lake Isle of Innisfree Question Solutions


Thinking about the Poem

I.Q.1. What kind of place is Innisfree? Think about:

(i) the three things the poet wants to do when he goes back there. (stanza-I)

(ii) what he hears and sees there and its effect on him? (stanza-II)

(iii) What he hears in his  “heart’s core” even when he is far away from Innisfree? (stanza-III)

Ans. The three things that the poet wants to do in Innisfree are :

(i) he would build a cabin of clay and wattles,  he would plant nine rows of beans and a hive that he would make for honey bees.

(ii) He hears the cricket singing in the morning. He sees the mild light at midnight and the purple glow of the sun at noontime at Innisfree. In the evening he sees the linnet’s flying.

(iii) Even when the poet is far away from Innisfree, he hears the sounds of the lake water lapping by the shore.

Q.2. By now you may have concluded that Innisfree is a simple, natural place full of beauty and peace. How does the poet contrast it with where he now stands?

Ans. The roadway and the grey pavements justify that the poet stands now is an urban area. Any urban area is full of bustle and business. People live an artificial life there. In contrast to this, the Lake Isle of Innisfree is free from all the urban uproar. It is full of real peace, natural beauty and  simplicity.

Q.3. Do you think Innisfree is only a place or a state of mind? Does the poet actually miss the place of his boyhood days?

Ans. Innisfree is a real place on Sligo island. It is not a place or a state of mind (imagination). The poet had spent some years of his boyhood there enjoying the peace and tranquillity of the place. In his later life when he was living in a city, he turned nostalgic remembering the sights and sounds of Innisfree.

II.1. Look at the words the poet uses to describe what he sees and hears at Innisfree:

(i) Bee-loud glade

(ii) Evening full of the linnet’s wings

(iii) Lake water lapping with low sounds

What pictures do these words bring to your mind?

Ans. These words bring to the mind a picture of a wild natural place far away from human reach. Such a place is full of natural objects as the buzzing bees, the sound of the flying birds, the lapping sound of lakes and rivers. etc. which are not generally met in urban areas.

 Q.2. Look at these words:

“……………. peace comes dropping slow

Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings.”

What do these words mean to you? What do you think ‘comes dropping slow…… from the veils of the morning? What does ‘’to where the cricket sings” mean?

Ans. The words refers to a place which is full of peace, tranquillity and happiness. By the phrase, ‘dropping from the veils of morning’  the poet means that the fogs hang like a veil in the sky of Innisfree and the morning sun rises up sending the fog away and brightens everything. With the rising of the sun, the crickets begin to sing songs with their wings which add joy and happiness to such a natural place like Innisfree.


Q.1. Who is the poet of the poem ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’?

Ans. William Butler Yeats is the poet of the poem ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’.

Q.1. What is Innisfree?

Ans. Innisfree is an island full of natural beauty.

Q.3. How is the evening at Innisfree?

Ans. The evening at Innisfree is full of the sound of linnet’s wings.

Q.4. What does the poet hope to get at Innisfree?

Ans. At Innisfree, the poet hopes to get some peace.

Q.2. Of what the poet wants to build his cabin?

Ans. The poet wants to build his cabin of clay and wattles.

Q.5. How does the poet want to live at Innisfree?

Ans. The poet wants to live alone at Innisfree in the natural environment.

Q.6. Why does the poet want to go to Innisfree?

Ans. The poet wants to go to Innisfree to get some peace of mind.

Q.7. What will he grow in Innisfree?

Ans. The poet will grow nine rows of beans and a hive for honey bees.

Q.8. What does the poet hear always day and night?

Ans. The poet always hears the low sound of water lapping by the shore of the Lake of Innisfree.  0 0 0.

The Lake Isle of Innisfree Question Solutions

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