Basic PC Shortcut for Keys


Basic PC Shortcut for Keys

Basic PC Shortcut for Keys

Basic PC Shortcut for Keys

Alt+F: File menu options in the current programme. 

Alt+E: Edit Options in the current programme. 

F1: Universal Help in almost every Windows program. 

Ctrl+A: Select all text  

Ctrl+X: Cut Selected item 

Shift+ Del: Cut Selected item 

Ctrl+C: Copy selected item 

Ctrl+Ins:  Copy selected item 

Ctrl+V: Paste 

Shift + Ins: Paste 

Ctrl+P: Open the print option 

Home: Go to the beginning of the current line. 

Ctrl+Home: Go to the beginning of a document. 

End: Goes to the end of the current line 

Ctrl+End: Go to the end of the document 

Shift+Home: Highlights from the current position to the beginning of a line. 

Shift+End: Highlights from the current position to end of the line. 

Ctrl+Left arrow: Move one word to the left at a time. 

Ctrl+Right arrow: Moves one word to the right at a time. 0 0 0

Basic PC Shortcut for Keys

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