Events During National Movement of India


Events During National Movement of India

Events During National Movement of India

Events During National Movement of India


First War of Indian Independence  –– 1857 

End of the East India Company’s  Rule –– 1858 

Theosophical Society Founded –– 1875 

Foundation of Indian National Congress –– 1885 

Partition of Bengal –– 1905

Foundation of Muslim League –– 1906

Split in Congress –– 1907

Morley-Minto Reforms  –– 1909 

Delhi Darbar Organised  –– 1911 

Partition of Bengal Revoked –– 1911 

Delhi Made Indian Capital  –– 1911

First World War Started –– 1914 

Home Rule Movement  –– 1916 

Lucknow Pact (Reunion of Congress)  –– 1916 

Congress-Muslim League Agreement  –– 1916 

End of the First World War –– 1918

Events During National Movement of India

Montague-Jemsford Reforms –– 1919 

Rowlatt Act Passed –– 1919 

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre –– 1919

Khilafat Movement –– 1920

Non-Cooperation Movement  –– 1920 

Hunter Commission –– 1920 

Chauri Chaura Incident –– 1923

Swaraj Party Founded  –– 1923 

Hindustan Republican Association Founded –– 1924

Visit of Simon Commission in India  –– 1928 

Death of Lal Lajpat Ray –– 1928 

Nehru Report (Motilal Nehru)  –– 1928 

Bardoli Satyagraha –– 1928 

Congress Resolution Passed for CompleteIndependence at Lahore Session –– 1929

Salt Satyagraha –– 1930 

Civil Disobedience Movement  –– 1930 

First Round Table Conference –– 1930 

Gandhi Arwin Pact –– 1931

Second Round Table Conference –– 1931 

Communal Award –– 1932 

Poona Pact –– 1932 

Third Round Table Conference  –– 1932

Government of India Act Passed –– 1935 

Declaration of Provincial Autonomy –– 1935 

Forward Block Founded  –– 1939

Second World War Started  –– 1939

Events During National Movement of India 

The demand of Pakistan by Muslim League  –– 1940 

Death of Rabindranath  Tagore –– 1941

August Proposal –– 1942 

Visit of Cripps-Mission –– 1942 

Indian National Army Founded –– 1942

Indian National Government Founded –– 1943 

Wavell Plan –– 1944 

End of Second World War –– 1945 

Simla Conference –– 1945 

Revolt in Navy in Mumbai –– 1946

The arrival of Cabinet Mission –– 1946 

Direct Action by Muslim League –– 1946 

Interim Government Formed –– 1946 

Mountbatten Plan for Independence –– 1947 

India got Independence –– 1947 

India Became Republic –– 1950. 0 0 0

Events During National Movement of India

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