Scientific Discoveries
Discovery––– Discoverer––Year
San Salvador (Watling Island)––C. Columbus––1492
The Bahamas, Cuba and Haiti, Mainland ––Columbus––1498 Magellan Strait––Ferdinand Magellan ––1519-22
Canada––Jacques Cartier ––1534-36
Australia ––William Janszoon––1606
Bacteria––Anton Von Leeuwenhoek––1683
Sailed around the World ––Capt. James Cook––1768-71
Easter Island––Capt. James Cook––1772
Neptune Planet––Johann Galle––1846
Neutron ––James Chadwick––1932
Radiocarbon ––Willard F. Libby––1947
Radiation belt around the Earth––James Van Allen––1958. 0 0 0
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